Old Age Homes: The Lost Importance of Family And Parents


Source: Give India

Family is that tree cover that protects you from all kinds of storms in your life. Parents are that shield who obstructs every difficulty that comes in your way. They never let us down, never leave us, and hold us close to their heart, then why do we leave them when they are withered, not strong enough to take care of themselves, and most importantly when they need us the most?

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It's time to speak the truth. The truth about increasing old age homes where at times parents are forced to live or live on their own willingly. Because of this increasing number of old age homes, especially children who do have grandparents can't even understand the essence of having a family with grandparents.

People might say that it hardly makes a difference when you have grandparents or not. I say, no it does make a difference in your life. The difference is in understanding culture, ethics, morals, and principles of life. This does not mean that children who don't have a complete family, that is parents and grandparents, don't have an understanding of ethics and morals in their life. 

It simply means there's a difference in the ethics and principles taught to them in the presence of grandparents. For example, a 10-year-old can build a capability to recite the Gayatri Mantra without any error in presence of their grandparents whereas a 15-year-old kid may still pronounce the Mantra wrongly.

Old Age Homes: Are Parents An Asset Or Liability?

The statement I made is just a generalized view of what we see in reality. Now going back to our topic of the article. How is an increase in the number of old age homes causing problems? An increase in old age homes is leading to the lost Importance of family. How? 

There have been viral videos of youth throwing their parents out of their houses and sending them to old-age homes. Either they don't have so much financial stability to afford their parents' medical expenses or the parents become a liability or burden for them as they cannot help their kids anymore in anything.

Is it a very obvious and judicious way to justify sending your parents to old-age homes? Are they only a way or a path of yours to achieve your target? Just think what would have your life been if your parents would have thrown you away when you were born just as the way you did. Think twice. This is the very reason why the number of old age homes is increasing. 

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Also, the concept of family is getting lost and seems to be a delusion for today and the upcoming generations. Earlier it used to happen that people used to live in joint families. Everybody used to live together, sit together, eat together and laugh together. Weekends and vacations seemed to be amazing as the whole family used to dine out together.

But now this concept of the Joint family has changed to Nuclear family mostly because now youths are getting jobs in far and distant places as a result of which they have to leave their family. They settle there, get married, and have kids. The kids when they grow up get admitted to school which makes it more difficult to visit their grandparents or their ancestral homes. 

As a result of which the parents are left alone. Such kids never get to know how it feels to have grandparents. The youth in a way suffers the pain of separation from their parents and thus what is the meaning of family is lost. It becomes a delusion, an imaginary thing that would only be seen in movies or found in books.

In such cases, parents themselves decide to go to old age homes. The very reason is the same as the kid,  the parents do feel the pain of separation. They do want to share and talk to someone just as we used to share everything with our parents when we came back from school. The kind of openness and sameness which they want from us they get in old age homes. When they see people of their age with the same pain, with the same agony, they find peace and calmness and thus decide to stay with them.


In the light of this article, one thing that every kid must adhere to is that we all can actually take out some time for our parents, and our family from the busy schedule. We are not so busy that we can't even make a phone call to them. Even a word you say to them which can be anything related to their good health, or their ongoing life schedule will bring a smile to their face, and that smile, that care would be more satisfying than your 6-figure salary. 

Parents never want us to leave our personal space or salary for them. The only thing they want is our concern for them, our care for them, and most importantly our time. One day rather than going to a restaurant, make a phone call or a video call to your parents or family, talk to them, laugh with them. Trust me the evening would be worth appreciating and enjoyable and would be a million-dollar moment for you.

Written By - Riya Upadhyaya

Edited by - Kritika Sharma

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