Domestic violence is gaining notoriety each passing day. further and further women are falling victims to this social ill at an intimidating rate. Research, by Yehuda, shows that an estimated1.8 to3.6 women are suffering under vituperative violence from their intimate mates each fleeting time.
The incapability of agencies dealing with this issue of domestic violence and specifically from the artistic perspective poses another hedge to help-seeking by the victims.
Lambropoulou points out that the utmost of these associations felt that they didn't qualify in terms of understanding the artistic requirements and hence were unfit to deal with the issue and come up with a remedy. In addition to this, utmost of the agencies have specifically designed places where they play and therefore fail to go beyond their specific boundaries
Roberts identifies what's appertained to as artistic sequestration and respect as another manacle of sweats by victims of domestic violence to seek help from applicable sources. The strong part played by culture and religion in the description of the community has led to a confirmation of certain positions that unfortunately subject some members to suffering.
These positions have made applicable associations fail to intermediate in certain cases purporting that they were observing respect of the culture. Any substantial trouble by the authorities to intermediate is met by spirited resistance from leaders of the community.
Therefore, allowing people to use the law with the rationale of artistic dictates. therefore, many of the variables are still unknown. The largest cause of domestic violence-related deaths and endless disabling injuries have been linked to being misters, fellows lovers, and husbands.
Grounding on this exploration, violence against women was therefore linked as the number one health problem faced by the woman by the National Women’s Health Project. therefore, it's the women population that would profit when the problem is answered.
Defining the problem
In all societies and social settings, the set values and geste that define the culture of a social group also contribute to the frequency of domestic violence amongst women. Not only do these values encourage domestic violence but they also discourage help-seeking sweats by the victims.
Similar societies are characterized by an imbalance in power relations between the two genders rendering women into a “ tradition of victimology ”, where women have to shoulder all liabilities in case of domestic violence.
To magnify the problem, it's set up that government authority regularly fails in handling the situation. They're said to have failed in their part as a woman to have greatly contributed to the triggering of the wrath of the head of the house and thus caused detriment to themselves.
With similar beliefs well established in the overall belief system, the victim of violence won't seek help stewing the fact that she'll be criticized for everything, or in some aspects, they will believe that they're the cause of the violence for failing to live up to the norms anticipated of them as women within the domestic settings.
Losing the children is another manacle in the dogging of help by victims of domestic violence. utmost women fantasize about the emotional recrimination of a future without their children or the fiscal recrimination of a future with the children but without the mate. This forces them to stick with a vituperative mate without seeking help from outside sources.
Women believe that one of the most likely impacts of seeking help from agencies is that the children would be removed from the scene of the violence and be put under the guardianship of the agencies. This might make the victims deny the extent of the violence just to ensure that the agencies are put off.
Conclusion of the problem
In conclusion, several women are living under the murk of violent mates but aren't ready to seek help from applicable associations or their families and musketeers. This is touched off by several factors that would interlace negatively on them if their mates discovered that they were seeking help or the way that would be taken to help them.
This means that all the associations that are responsible for dealing with domestic violence must come up with strategies that would take these walls into consideration. Failure to do this will mean that domestic violence will remain for periods.
Written By- Saurav Sharma