Unsolved Mystery of Bermuda Triangle - Myth or Truth?

 “Mystery is the soul of existence. Mystery is the essence of divinity”

Who doesn’t love a mystery? A mystery is what makes life eventful. People pay for watching mysterious movies and reading mysterious books. But you know what, our earth, nature and universe are also full of mysteries. And exploring the mysteries of the universe is kind of a hobby many people have. Well, if you are also a person who loves mysteries, this article is certainly for you.

One of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the world is the Bermuda Triangle. Many people have tried to figure out its mystery but no one could be successful. Well, let's look at some of the mysteries related to the famous and mysterious Bermuda Triangle.

What is Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda triangle is a  loosely-defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. It has many stories primarily focused on the disappearance of ships and aircraft which pass through it. Many authors have tried to explain its mystery through logic, paranormal reasons and other related ways.

Where is It Located?

The Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic ocean which is roughly bounded by Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico. The concerned area is supposedly triangular in shape whose boundaries are not universally agreed upon but still supposed to be marked by the Atlantic coast of the Florida panhandle (in the United States), Bermuda, and the Greater Antilles.

What is Mysterious About the Place?

It is believed that almost about 50 ships and 20 aeroplanes have disappeared due to some mysterious activity at the Bermuda Triangle. It is not necessarily some paranormal circumstance but still many believe, it is. Some believe that it is no mystery but just the natural conditions which account for the disappearance of the ships and planes.

Well, the mystery which is unsolved about the Bermuda Triangle is that no one knows what’s the truth of it. Neither of them could justify their beliefs or thoughts through some solid explanation or proof.

How the Mystery Started?

The term “Bermuda Triangle” was coined in 1964 but the stories of the strange occurrences at Bermuda Triangle started centuries ago. Christopher Columbus, the Italian explorer and navigator also mentioned about Bermuda Triangle in his journals without using the specific term. It was in 1492 when he mentioned the difficulty he faced while navigating his ship through that particular area in the Atlantic ocean.

After a century, William Shakespeare also wrote the play Tempest which may have been based on the real story of a shipwreck near Bermuda.

In the 20th century, the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle ramped up among the public. In 1918, a Navy cargo ship, the USS Cyclops sank in the Bermuda Triangle.306 people were on board and there is no clear indication yet of what went wrong. The last message received from the ship says that all was well, and the weather was fair. 

In 1941, two more ships of the US Navy disappeared in the area. In 1945, the most famous disappearance of Flight 19 took place at the Bermuda Triangle. Five Navy bombers went on a flight to practice bombing drills, but they gradually realised that their navigational equipment was not dysfunctional. The planes disappeared and were never heard from again. A rescue plane was then sent but that also got lost mysteriously. The wrecks of the aircraft were never found. 

Theories About Bermuda Triangle

Regarding the mysterious occurrences at the Bermuda Triangle, many theories have been laid but none of them could be justified properly. Well, some of the most heard theories are discussed ahead:

Paranormal Activities

It is something most people believe about the Bermuda triangle. Many people have suggested theories which account for the paranormal activities behind the disappearance of ships and planes that occur in that area.

Some believe aliens are behind the abduction of the people who pass through the Bermuda Triangle. Some believe there is a lost city under the ocean and there are some supernatural powers which drag the ships and planes under the water. Some even suggest that there can be some sea monster, devil or some other paranormal creature.

Natural Reasons

There are many people who do not believe in these supernatural theories. Instead, they believe in logic and facts. Hence, many theories suggest some natural explanations for the occurrences at the Bermuda Triangle.

Some theories explain that magnetic variations in the magnetic poles are one of the reasons behind the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Violent weather in that area is also a reason for that, as believed by some authors. 

An explanation for some of the disappearances has concentrated on the existence of large fields of methane hydrates on the continental shelves. It has been hypothesized that frequent methane eruptions (sometimes called "mud volcanoes") may create regions of frothy water that are no longer competent for providing sufficient buoyancy for ships. If this were the case, such an area forming around a ship could compel it to sink very rapidly and without caution.

Such theories and beliefs have also been transformed in a very popular movie called The Bermuda Triangle. The movie was obviously fictional and not based on true events but still, the Bermuda Triangle movie made people aware of the existence of such a place in 1978. It might be around 45 years since the movie had released but the knowledge of the Bermuda Triangle is still at the same level.

It must be noted that all these are only theories or hypotheses which are not yet been proved by anyone. Hence the mystery is still unsolved.

Written By: Nidhi Jha

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