Jai Arora- A Content Creator who Loves to Dive Deep Into Technology (Content Creator From India)

Jai Arora

I made Content that solved actual problems faced by a lot of people in their day-to-day life that’s why they could relate to my videos. I think that this is what made my account viral. The only challenge I faced was that Even though I was making helpful content, it wasn’t reaching a wider audience in the beginning which led to disappointments but still I didn’t stop uploading and tried to improve with every single video which eventually helped me.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

Since I was a kid, I have been very passionate about Technology. I used to break my toys just to see what’s inside them. When I was in 3rd Std. My parents bought me a Computer. And daily I used to sit hours in front of it, checking what all it could do. Did many experiments and eventually, I mastered everything about that computer. Now whenever somebody in my neighbourhood had some problem with any of their gadgets, they used to call me to solve that problem. And I was very Happy to Help. 

As I grew up I realised that I was not that good in studies and was more into practical knowledge. I opted for Non-Medical in 12th and Did computer Science engineering from CGC Landran Chandigarh. When I was in College, I was least interested in my curriculum and I knew I’ll have to do something else in life so Out of nowhere an idea came to my mind and I started a Youtube Channel named TECH-iELA. 

I started putting up videos about Technology, Gadgets. My viewers were just my family and friends. In the beginning, the videos were not reaching the public. But still, I used to bunk college lectures just to shoot videos.

I invested a lot of time and money into YouTube even though I wasn’t getting any results. But this helped me and slowly my Channel started getting subscribers and more views. And last year I started putting short videos (Reels) on Instagram but wasn’t able to attract an audience. Still, I patiently uploaded reels regularly everyday. 

In 1 year I gained around 5,000 followers. But then suddenly some of my videos started going viral and eventually all my previous Content started getting views and my Instagram page reached from 5k to 300k in just 15 days. And I believe that all that hard work paid off but the true credit goes to my Family, my friends, and everyone who supported and motivated me.

2. How and when did you decide that you wanted to go into the field of Technology and be a digital creator?

As I was into technology since I was a school-going kid, I already knew that I will be making my career in something related to Technology. But never thought that I would choose Content Creation as a career option as I was someone who never participated in plays, never gave any stage Performances, and facing the camera was a very challenging task for me but just because I loved tech, I ignored all these complexes and started Creating Tech Videos.

3. How did you make a presence on Instagram? What challenges did you face?

I made Content that solved actual problems faced by a lot of people in their day-to-day life that’s why they could relate to my videos. I think that this is what made my account viral. The only challenge I faced was that Even though I was making helpful content, it wasn’t reaching a wider audience in the beginning which led to disappointments but still I didn’t stop uploading and tried to improve with every single video which eventually helped me.

4. How and where do you find inspiration to churn out content while making reels on Instagram?

I get inspired by a lot of people around me. Because I believe that everyone has some Good Qualities that we can learn from. So I try to adopt those Qualities and try to get better everyday by 1%.

5. What does your typical day look like?

Every Morning I leave for my studio to bring something new for my audience. I spend 8-9 hours daily in the studio just like a full-time job. The tasks include content research and planning, shooting, editing, and uploading. But the research part is always going on in my head even when I’m with my friends or family.

6. What online resources do you use to help you do your work and How do you keep your technology skills up to date?

Most of the Content that I Upload comes from Google Searches. I believe that finding some specific content on Google is also a skill that I have acquired over time. Another Big source of Content are my viewers. When they discuss their tech-related problems in comments, I try to solve it by making videos.

7. Did you work on real-time projects? If yes then would you like to tell us about it.

I made some projects during my college Time including some websites, A voice-controlled home automation system, etc.

8. When you started with your journey and you couldn’t see any tangible results what was your biggest source of motivation at that time?

When I started my journey, I struggled a lot but saw no results. And at that time my friends/roommates motivated me. My Sister and my parents always supported me (Emotionally & Financially), which is why I was able to reach this stage.

9. In this journey did you experiment and try out new things and take risks? If yes then would you like to share some instances?

I believe that the field of Content Creation can only be survived if you are ready to experiment and try out new things everyday. Regarding Risks, of Course investing time and money in such a business which is very uncertain is quite risky. I have invested a lot in gadgets, and equipment, Built and designed a studio specially for my passion so I can work with Perfection.

10. Any book recommendations for tech-savvy people?

To be honest I don’t read books. All I do is watch tech videos on YouTube and listen to tech news on Alexa everyday.

I can describe myself as " A Content Creator who loves to dive deep into technology. With a Combined Follower Base of 400K+, I'm on a mission to make the boring Tech, Interesting and enjoyable for my audience.

Interviewed By - Shashank Sehgal

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