Women Taking The Lead: Exploring Financial Independence

Source: Pexels


We have seen women managing the budget of the household skillfully. Be the women of the high class to the labour class, women have always stood up front with finances tactically. It was rooted in them with time and events, ever since the age, they had taken up responsibility. However, credibility was never given to women. The lack of acknowledgement didn’t rattle them up or made any difference until the realisation of their existing potential struck them, with the change in time and demand for security. 

In the earlier period, women were considered merely an object which was created for pleasing men and to run their lineage. Their existence was limited up to the kitchen walls, believing them to be unfit to be at par with them. Almost everything back then screamed of men's dominance. Although today it is still the same with the only difference being that women are fighting for their rightful rights. 

The fundamental right to education was not provided to females as they felt it was an unnecessary expenditure and added burden. Instead, they made them prepared for their only objective, marriage. 

The concept of financial independence was never inculcated in parenting. Every time the women of the house demanded economic liberty, the voices were suppressed with reasoning about ‘what is the use, when you have a husband or a father taking up your expenses.  

The increase in abuse in marital roads helped to regain their consciousness of financial stability when their parents refused to help them through the physical and mental abuse. The lack of support suppressed their voices in the four falls. Thus, the revolution for financial Independence came into the picture. 

Financial independence

The restraint from financial access to mend their basic and essential needs is relatively witnessed in many households. Access to the personal allowance is not a practice that is adopted, and if they receive the allowance it is only restricted to home necessities (bills and groceries). Moreover, in some cases, the men look after the accounts. 

Financial Independence came into existence with all these contributing factors. The liberty to access the capital for their personal use or, in the event of an emergency without seeking permission to utilise or to request it(from time to time) can be defined as Financial independence. 

The interrelation of women and financial independence was first breathed with the rise of the feminism phase. With much information from the media surfacing around, women learned and understood it.

Need for Financial Independence

7 out of 10 women observed that financial independence symbolises women's independence. The ability to take financial decisions establishes a sense of security and confidence within them. The idea of being important empowers them to be self-reliant.  

With the inflation in the cost of living in the fast pace life, managing the budget at the month's end is onerous. Therefore, women seeking to work and contribute their part of the income to the house expenses can lessen some burden.

Women in the lead

In the present time, with access to education and stepping out of the box, women are breaking the glass ceiling by collectively taking part in public affairs. Women could be seen in forefront of the Olympics, media, start-ups and many other professional roles. From being the Queen to an entrepreneur; ruling the house to the world you will find women taking the charge. The ability to multi-task aids them to manage their role efficiently.

Celebrities like Priyanka Chopra are an inspiration to young girls who wish to brakes the shackles to be able to contribute back to society. Being from a normal middle-class household, facing bullies and body shaming from her class fellow didn’t make her lose her confidence, instead, she aimed to achieve all odds to prove that a girl from an Indian family can achieve what not. Crowned at the age of eighteen as Miss World and establishing a place in the men-dominated industry, to achieving a great height globally. 

Michelle Obama, the former first lady, served as an advocate for education, healthy lifestyle, poverty awareness, nutrition, and physical activity. She actively participated during her husband, Barack Obama's presidential bids, delivering keynote addresses at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. 

Brands and Small scale start-ups owned by women

Brands like Sugar Cosmetics, Mama Earth, Pharmaceuticals, Nykaa, ASI Computer Technologies inc, Panda Restaurant Group and many more. 

During the pandemic period, women utilized their time and resources in setting up the start-up. Taking deliveries pan India or location-wise for bakery, crafts, clothing, stationary and henna services, women are paving their path to financial independence. 

To name a few, Hijab Centre, is an online and offline store which displays a varied collection of shawls and stoles for different occasions, Ayika Henna is a start-up offering 100 % natural henna for application, Bakehouse, an online store that offers cakes and pastries services and KhamKhawb Boutique, an online brand run by two women dealing with party wear, readymade wear and customised dress options. 

End Note

Men and society should collectively comprehend the fact that Financial Independence is not gender-specific. It is an individual right, be it a male or female. Parents should be aware that restricting access to education (girls) can block many opportunities and survival access. The liberty to explore financial independence is a right owned by everyone and women shouldn’t hesitate to exercise it.

Written By: Durrah Ismail Nasir

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