10 Interesting and Random Fun Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

With so many stressful events going on around the world, and as well in our personal space, I have come up with 10 interesting facts to keep your mind in a sober state. 

Let us dig out to see what is in store!

1. Climate Clock - Newyork, Berlin and Glasgow

Source: climate clock

Have you heard about the climate clock? Well, it is in Newyork, Berlin and Glasgow. The idea behind the climate clock is to keep track of the time that is left to save the climate which perhaps causes destruction when 1.5 °C of global warming is achieved.

Katie Peyton Hofstadter is the co-creator of the climate clock. She is a Brooklyn-based writer. 

Isn’t it amazing?

2. Free LinkedIn Premium Account

If you want to switch to a premium account for free without having to pay anything and access more than 1000+ courses available over there. Then you must try this out. 

Go to google, and search for the free LinkedIn premium account. Click on the link and fill in your college details and upload the required proof which confirms your eligibility. You will get access for 6 months for free. 

3. Code with Fun

Source: Pinterest

Are you bored with coding? Here is an interesting way to make it engaging and interactive. Programmerhumour.io is a website which offers diverse strategies to make you code without giving a monotonous feeling. 

This website is the best way to encourage yourself and your friend to begin programming. Share with your friends and starts coding. 

4. Restaurant for Introverts

This restaurant in Tokyo, Japan is for the introverts out there. You don't have to face anyone to place an order, it is done with utmost planning. You just have to place the order in a vending machine, get the token and hand it inside the small counter which is partially covered. Then, you are allotted a private space to enjoy your meal, making sure of your comfort. 

From ordering to billing the food is uniquely conceptualized.

5. Resume in PowerPoint

I know it might sound different, but it is possible. Now, you can prepare your resume in PowerPoint to make it more interactive. Especially if you are planning to make your entry into a creative field. This perhaps adds brownie points to your selection. 

6. India’s Unique Railway Station

People opt for trains for budget and travelling from one state to another. However, this railway station stands unique because the ticket window is in Maharashtra and the station master office is in Gujarat. 

The Navapur station was built before the states were undivided. The announcement is done in 4 different languages. 

Similarly, we have many more railway stations situated in both states. Sounds interesting, right!?  divided by border, united by railways.

7. Kingdom of Dixit- Birtawil

This place is unclaimed and unoccupied by any country. However, Suyash Dixit from Indore claims to be the king/ruler of the territory situated between Egypt and Sudan.

Bir Tawil is now claimed by the Dixit, who has developed a flag and placed it in the unclaimed territory. He named it as ‘Kingdom of Dixit’.

8. The land where the sun doesn’t set

Do you know there exists a place where the sun doesn’t set? It is situated in Norway, Svalbard. The people living here experience this because the sun is rotating at the titled axis relative to the sun.

Even in the late hours of the night the sun never sets. Due to this reason, it is referred to as the ‘midnight sun’.

9. Samosa Ban

Yes, you read it right. A dish which is savoured on or off the monsoon season with mint chutney and tea is now banned in Somalia. 

The food that is enjoyed right from the children to grannies is a ban for this reason. The extremist group, Al Shabaab in Somalia presume that the shape of the samosa represents the Christian holy trinity.

Thus, restricting citizens of Somalia to consume Somoza.

10. Spicy food caused rib fracture

In an extremely rare case, a woman got her rib fractured by a severe cough after having spicy food. The lady, Huang based in Shanghai reported the event after the CT scan. The rib fracture was a result of a coughing fit. 

Written By: Durrah Ismail Nasir

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