What Does Wildlife Conservation Aim to Achieve?




Wildlife conservation is definitely something you've heard about if you care about the environment. Despite the fact that the term is frequently used, it is not always possible to ascertain what efforts are being made.


What Is Conservation of Wildlife?


Any endeavour to protect any species of wildlife (including plants and animals) as well as their habitats can be referred to as "wildlife conservation." We refer to the preservation, management, and restoration of wildlife when we talk about "protection."


When possible, protecting wildlife implies avoiding its extinction or endangerment. This could entail helping with breeding programmes, establishing sustainable habitats, and many other things.


Conservation Biology


Numerous methods of animal conservation are influenced by conservation biology. Today's environment is under more stress from humans than ever before, necessitating conservation efforts for several creatures and plants.


Why Do We Need Wildlife Conservation?


We now know why protecting wildlife is essential to the survival of the world and our animals. But why is it important to safeguard animals? Is working for animal conservation necessary?


Conservation efforts wouldn't be necessary in a perfect world to maintain the planet's health and prosperity. The need for international wildlife conservation is still great, nevertheless. More has to be done than merely protecting certain species; boosting biodiversity is equally crucial.


We need biodiversity because it helps maintain healthy ecosystems that, among other things, give people access to food and oxygen.


Activities aimed at conserving wildlife are advantageous for the ecosystem, human health, and animals. Let's explore each of these subjects in more detail:


1. Human Welfare


Regardless of who we are or where we live, our natural environment has a profound impact on all of us. Therefore, protecting biodiversity is in our best interests. Humans and the environment are intricately linked; we depend on it for our general well-being, food, water, and energy.


One of the main reasons we need conservation to protect human health is the threat of sickness. Like many other diseases, COVID-19 has an animal host. Due to population growth and other factors, we are edging closer to wild creatures.


2. Planet


The world's ecology depends on wildlife to maintain equilibrium in many natural processes. The state of the natural world is rapidly declining, and if we don't stop losing plants and animals, we run the risk of losing the biodiversity of our planet.


3. Wildlife


This goes without saying, yet many magnificent species depend on wildlife conservation to survive. They not only support essential processes, but they are also fascinating animals and plants that come in a variety of shapes and sizes. To lose these animals in our midst would be sad.


Factors That Lead to Endangered Flora and Animals


Endangerment and extinction are caused by a variety of factors. Some of the motivating factors—but not all—include:


Habitat Loss


The natural habitats of wildlife are being destroyed by numerous human activities. Habitat loss is a result of material mining, deforestation, lumber harvesting, and agriculture.




There are many different types of pollution, and they are all bad for the environment. Animal life is severely impacted by pollution in the ocean alone; it is estimated that over 100 million marine animals perish as a result of plastic waste alone.


Alteration of the Climate


Animal habitation is being destroyed as a result of climate change, which is related to habitat loss. Risks include flooding, wildfires, a lack of water, and extremely high temperatures. Transportation, industrial activity, and agriculture all have a significant impact on climate change.


Which Animals Face a Threat?


Unfortunately, it is sometimes too late to conserve many species. In the past five centuries, we have lost 900 species, and 40,000 species are presently in danger of going extinct, according to the IUCN Red List. Isn't it a horrifying idea? Here are some gorgeous animals that are regrettably very threatened with extinction:


  1. Javan Rhinoceros

  2. Eastern Gorilla

  3. Spiny giant frog

  4. Siamese crocodile

  5. Woylie

  6. Orange-bellied parrot

What Does Wildlife Conservation Aim to Achieve?

You must be curious about what animal conservation is all about if you're reading this. Helping wildlife survive and educating people about environmentally friendly practices are the two main goals of wildlife conservation.

The goal of wildlife conservation is obviously to protect animals and plants, but it is not always clear how this is done. Let's analyse the goals and initiatives of animal conservationists.

1. World Wildlife Fund for Nature

The world's foremost conservation organisation is the World Wildlife Fund, formerly known as the World Wildlife Fund. Animals, the environment, forests, food, freshwater, and the oceans are all the targets of their efforts.

2. Trusts for Wildlife Conservation

This autonomous nonprofit organisation in many nations strives to save both wildlife and undeveloped areas. In addition to helping animals, they want to connect humans with nature.

3. Marine Conservation Society

An NGO committed to ocean preservation is the Marine Conservation Society. Both practical conservation measures and conservation education are included in their efforts.

4. Worldwide Fauna and Flora

Flora & Fauna aims to solve various conservation issues in more than 40 nations. Its goal is to protect threatened habitats and species worldwide.

Final Thoughts

We still have a long way to go given the number of endangered species. We must work together to protect our wildlife and the environment in order to prolong the life of our planet.

Written By: Dharchini Priya P

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