What is ChatGPT: An Introduction


Source- Flipboard.com

Have you watched Ironman Movie? Do you remember the AI assistant of Ironman JARVIS? Have you ever thought that, is it possible to develop JARVIS like an AI assistant in real life? What is the correct answer to this question I don't know? But today I will introduce an AI assistant that is very similar to JARVIS in terms of real-life conversations. We call it ChatGPT. It can answer you just like a human being but too intelligent to know everything. You can ask him everything from real-life problems to any technical problems. You will get an insightful answer.


What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI tool that uses the natural language processing technique to give you experiences of human-like conversation. Other than conversation it also assists you with your task, ChatGPT is more than a chatbot. It can help you in writing computer code in multiple languages, create art, compose mail, write poems, write essays, create new kinds of art, and many more. 

ChatGPT is developed by AI research-based company OpenAI. The company launched it on November 30, 2022. Currently, its use is free of charge as ChatGPT is in its research and feedback collection phase.          

Is It Ground Breaking? 

As Elon Musk said “ChatGPT is scary good. We are not far from dangerously strong AI.” It is a big deal of getting such comments from a tech gig like Elon Musk. You can understand it by seeing its capabilities. It can write computer code in multiple languages and it also can write a full-length article on any given topic and its quality can amaze you. In just a few days ChatGPT has one million users. It creates Strom on the internet and social media posts.         

How can you Access ChatGPT?

For using ChatGPT you need to create an account on OpenAI using this link ChatGPT. You can reach the openAI web page and after registering you can chat with the ChatGPT in natural language. You can simply ask any type of question and you will get an instant answer. It is still in the research and feedback collection phase, so it is free to use now. Currently, the number of questions is unlimited. 

How does ChatGPT work? 

ChatGPT is trained on a language model using reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). The same method is used in InstructGPT, but this time the data collection setup is different. Reinforcement learning is one kind of agent-based learning. 

Human AI trainers provided the model with conversations in which they played both parts, the user and AI assistants. People are comparing it with search engines, but it has some fundamental differences over the search engines. The ChatGPT will not search for answers over the internet but generate them on its language model. You can ask ChatGPT any specific question and then you can ask follow-up questions. That means ChatGPT will remember your previous conversation. ChatGPT can help you to get an exact answer.        

Limitation of ChatGPT 

Despite looking very impressive, ChatGPT has its limitations. It's the inability to answer specific events, or some questions having been worded in a specific way. Sometimes it gets confusing to understand ambiguous questions. one of the important limitations is the quality of the response. The correctness of the response can be questionable. famous developer question-answer site StackOverflow ban ChatGPT answer on its site temporarily.   

Is ChatGPT Good or Bad? 

An advanced chatbot, ChatGPT can respond in human-like conversation. Many people are very excited to take its help while creating world-class art, writing assistance, composing mail, and code-based solutions. But on other hand, many people are also worried about its ability. 

ChatGPT can write articles on any topic within seconds, which can replace human writers. ChatGPT can write an essay on any given topic with particular requirements within seconds which can lead students to cheat. It can provide code in any computer language that leads students not to learn computer languages. Other than this ChatGPT can spread misinformation as ChatGPT has limitations over the correctness of its responses.

But you can see ChatGPT in terms of string AI. That can help humans to complete a tremendous task and assist in easier living. You can see it as a fast-moving technology world where humans have easy lives.                   

Written by Sarfaraz Equbal

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