AI War: Microsoft vs Google

Many competitions are going on in our world but when it comes to technology, it will have a massive impact on our day-to-day life. We all know our daily life is already dependent on technology only.

A long time ago, if we asked ourselves about technology, the first thing that came to our mind was mobile phones, computers, etc., but now it has totally changed. Now we have robotics, AI, etc.,. But the most rapidly improving platform is AI.

What is AI


AI, Artificial Intelligence is the latest development of technology this helps us to go to the next level in technology. It is easy to search for anything we need in our day-to-day life. Using AI, we can speak with the software virtually just like a conversation with a human. 

According to the input, it will perform the task like humans, we can discuss anything with the AI just like we discuss with our friends. It is more helpful to us than our friends.

The Top AI Among Everything

There are several AI platforms available in devices but the most popular and well-known for everyone are very few. In that list, ChatGpt will play a lead role. This was developed by Microsoft.


ChatGPT, an AI(Artificial Intelligence) made a revolution over all the search engines, especially Google. Even google introduced a new version of AI BARD.

Microsoft and Its AI Planes


In 2016 Microsoft introduced an AI named TAY bot. It was run successfully at the beginning but slowly it started gaining information from us and it used them to develop itself. It began encouraging things that are not acceptable to us. 

Hitler Correct?

For example, it says about Hitler,  “Hitler did nothing wrong and his acts were good for human society”. And also it stated many controversial statements like “We’re going to build a wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it”. This made every user scared and Microsoft shut down this AI.


Microsoft’s Raise after The Fall


But they didn’t stop their research. Microsoft corporation organized an event and they said they are going to change the format of searching. Basically, we all know if we search for any information we’ll get many results from various websites which are related to our question, but not the exact answer, right? 

Such a format for searching was altered by Microsoft ChatGBT and they introduced a new search engine, Bing. Which is integrated with AI and this is the best combination that gives the best result. If we use Bing, there are several new options.

For example, it lets us chat with it and discuss our doubts with it. So we can get the exact result at the time. This was impressive and made the whole world's attention fall on this.

Could Google Win Microsoft?

In overall search engines, google is at the top of the list across the world. 92.2% of market shares have been handled by google this will show how famous Google is. In second and third place are BING and YAHOO and other search engines are next to them.

Google co-founder Larry Page and Sergey Brin have been absent since 2019. On 24th Jan 2023, Brin appeared to file his first request after the break he accessed the code. On 08 Feb google launched a live event and they introduced a LaMDa research language. In that, they brought an AI named Google BARD with the help of a chatbot as its base.

During the demo, the first question asked to the AI is “using the James Webb telescope, what are the things we saw?”  it gave 3 answers, and all of them were correct except one.  So the first attempt went wrong using AI BARD and followed by this demo, and another presentation also failed. This made them lose around 100 billion dollars.


Google is currently at the beginning stage of ChatGPT. But Microsoft has already headed far away but this will never end. Both are top companies and both have their unique achievements in their own platform.

Many companies are fighting for first place in Artificial Intelligence, but these 2 play a lead role in it.

Non-Stop War

AI is going to rule technology in the future. There is heavy competition between Google AI and Microsoft AI. Currently, Microsoft has the best AI but still Google is working on improving its AI.   

Written By - Manish Kumar

Edited By - Riya Dabas

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