India’s Rich History: 5 Famous Monuments And Forts In India

India is a very large country, so choosing what to see there can be challenging. The nation is so diverse and wealthy, and it has many magnificent monuments that serve as fine examples of historical artefacts. However, in addition to outstanding man-made structures, India also contains several ancient natural landmarks that date back to the days of the earliest cavemen.

1. Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal, the symbol of love for all time, is a masterpiece of architecture in addition to being a famous landmark. The Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, must be included on any list of spectacular structures in India. This edifice, a mausoleum constructed by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in the 17th century over 22 years, is magnificent. 

It features a fusion of Hindu and Indo-Islamic architectural traditions and is made of white marble. decorated with more than 28 different types of precious stones that were brought from places like Tibet and Persia. 

The Taj Mahal's ability to shift colour from pinkish at dawn to gold at noon to milky white at full moon is one of its most amazing features. Since Shah Jahan and his wife are both interred in the monument, it serves as a popular spot for lovers to go on dates.

2. Sun Temple

The Sun Temple in Konark is a sacred shrine devoted to the Sun God and means "the corner of the sun." The Sun Temple, which is the architectural magnificence of the temple, must always be specifically mentioned in any literature on ancient architecture. The temple, which is tucked away by the Bay of Bengal, contains elaborately sculpted colossal structures that show the Sun god's chariot with 24 carved wheels.

The intricately crafted Sun God chariot is a sight to behold, with each of its three-meter-diameter wheels being pulled by seven horses and being watched over by two lions. The temple, which represents the perfect fusion of science and beautiful architecture, is still able to precisely compute time.

3. Mahabodhi temple

A prince who became a monk was searching for knowledge and truth while everyone else was seeking wealth and every king was preparing to expand his empire. Siddhartha, often known as Buddha, was the prince. Knowledge of metaphysics and ultimate truth, not knowledge of facts.

He arrived at the location now known as Bodhgaya during his quest to discover the ultimate truth. He attained enlightenment while seated beneath a tree; today, every Buddhist reveres that tree as a sacred location.

4. Mehrangarh Fort

The Mehrangarh Fort, an imposing building that guards the entrance to the Thar Desert, is a monument to the splendour and regal rule. That was Mehrangarh Fort, the pit from The Dark Knight Rises. 

The fort is a reminder of the Rajputana dynasty's opulence in Rajasthan, is a remarkable example of mediaeval Indian architecture. According to Rudyard Kipling, the fort appears to have been constructed by the titans and painted by the Sun himself.

The material for the fort was chiselled from the hill itself, giving it a natural mix, and it stands on a rocky slope, 120 metres above Jodhpur's skyline. The fort still shows signs of invasion damage from the 1800 cannonballs that were fired at it.

At first glance, the fort seems to be only a display of riches and aristocracy, but once inside, it's like taking a trip back in time to the Rajputana Dynasty, with each part showcasing the nobility and culture of its heyday. Emperor Ashoka built what is now known as the Mahabodhi temple around the tree in the third century BCE. The Vajrasana Temple, one of 6 main buildings, is the main draw.

5. Galden Namgey Lhatse

One of the largest monasteries in India and the second largest in the world is a prime example of Buddhist-style construction and is located in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh.

The monastery was established adjacent to Tawang, a tiny town, on the instructions of the Fifth Dalai Lama. It is not far from the Indo-Tibetan border. The monastery is called Galden Namgey Lhatse in Tibetan, which translates to celestial paradise in the clear night. It is located in the Tawang-chu valley, which flows from Tibet.

Written By: Elima Lucas

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