Peer Pressure: Significant Impact on Youth



Most people have at least once in their lives encountered peer pressure, whether it was on a little or large scale, positively or negatively. Simply put, peer pressure is when someone persuades you to do something. Because everyone wants to fit in and not be left out, peer pressure is extremely easy to succumb to (particularly during the teenage years).

Teenagers can succumb to peer pressure and engage in unsafe behavior. Correct pals are generally more inclined to make safer decisions. Most people who spend time with other people their age have a few things in common. For instance, a study by Columbia University researchers indicates that youths are six times more likely to have consumed alcohol if their friends regularly do so.

Both good and negative peer pressure exists. Because peer pressure for a worthy cause is motivating if it comes from someone else. For a person to grow, they need motivation. Peer pressure for an undesirable cause will always result in a negative outcome. 

As a result, a person needs to avoid being influenced by those around them. They should conduct a rigorous analysis of the action's result. for them to commit anything bad for themselves. You should exercise caution while putting your trust in others since the world is full of bad people.

Positive Effects of Peer Pressure

There are numerous benefits to peer pressure. Most significantly, it gives the person a sense of motivation. Which further motivates the individual to overcome the obstacle and accomplish something remarkable. Additionally, it increases a person's self-confidence. Because our brain prioritizes and takes into account other people's opinions.

This method is widely used by salespeople and business owners to persuade customers to purchase their goods. We constantly receive a variety of recommendations whenever we attend a social gathering. Therefore, the brain begins to like it when a person receives these recommendations. Or it develops a better representation of that object. This forces them to buy the goods or at the very least give them some thought.

This method of peer pressure is very effective in enhancing a person's character. For instance, the interviewer already has a stronger impression of the candidate when we propose them for a position. because the interviewer trusts the person who recommended him. As a result, there is a good likelihood the person will get hired.

Youth can particularly benefit from peer pressure. whether a child is influenced by a person or a group of people. Greater career heights are within his grasp.

Negative Effects of Peer Pressure

Peer pressure has several drawbacks that can be detrimental to a person in many different ways. It can be annoying to a person if they are not willing to do the task at hand. It shouldn't be used excessively, though. because it affects the person negatively. One should have the attitude that one should listen to themselves first. while taking into account remarks in his favor.

A person may find himself in a poor situation as a result of peer pressure while they are young. If left unchecked, it can potentially harm a student's academic performance and career. Today's youth are greatly impacted by the glitzy lifestyle of celebrities.

These people eventually become their peers because of how closely they follow them. They act in ways that they shouldn't, as a result. Smoking and drug use are two prominent examples of this. The fact that minors are even engaging in these activities is what is most surprising. Their professional development and advancement may suffer as a result.


Before being affected by others, it is important to evaluate the results of a deed. Peer pressure should also never take precedence. You should always put your own needs and desires first.

Peer pressure, in my opinion, can be both a terrible and fair thing at times. If you begin to worry or feel under strain, resist their demands. If you are too terrified to stand up, explain your predicament to a teacher or an adult.

Written by Gungun Gupta


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