Tanish Sharma - All the Successful Creators Have Their USP, Try to Find Your USP (Food Blogger with 193k+ Followers From India)

Tanish Sharma

I have been to multiple cities like Delhi, Mumbai UP and Gujarat and particular dishes of every state which is also popular. Personally, there are plenty of things. If you are in Delhi then you have to try chacha di hati and nandi Hatti and in Lucknow chart king.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

My name is Tanish Sharma and I am 22 years old and I am from Delhi. Done my diploma in editing and cinematography and my journey started way back in 11th class in 2017.

2. When did you decide that you wanted to create content on food and how did you start?

I was really into photography and everything. I liked clicking pictures and the whole process of clickings pictures and making videos fascinated and intrigued me a lot I always thought what the process behind a certain film or a certain video and that's how my interest began and initially it was a photography page on Instagram and I slowly realized that I like clicking food pictures and I also love food. So the love for food and passion for photography combined and that's how it began. 

3.  Is food blogging your passion and if yes then how did you find it?

So food vlogging is my passion and my profession as well now and it took me around 4-4.5 years to come to the stage and it was a very natural kind of thing because of my love and passion for food and photography so I thought let's do something in this only because I am a curious and an inquisitive type of person who likes to try new things.

4.  Are there any courses or skills that one can learn to be a blogger?

I don't know if there are any courses or skills for it as such but these days yes there are some creators who have launched their courses but you can get the basics from youtube. I won't as such recommend you a course but skills are something which you can always learn. Forex, if you are good at video editing or photography and had done some courses then it helps. Just for being a creator, I don't think there are any particular courses, also it depends on how you want to take things forward. Also, don't think of money in the starting and that's 1 tip I would like to give.

5.  Which is your favourite cuisine and dish?

Indian and chole bhature.

6. Which restaurants/food joints would you recommend to food lovers?

I have been to multiple cities like Delhi, Mumbai UP and Gujarat and particular dishes of every state which is also popular. Personally, there are plenty of things. If you are in Delhi then you have to try chacha di hati and nandi Hatti and in Lucknow chart king.

7. What makes you appreciate a particular dish or a restaurant and talk about it on your blog?

If it's the restaurant then it's the ambience. And when it comes to food it's the taste. Sometimes I don't like the taste of the food but I like the ambience. Food is a very subjective thing. Besides taste and presentation, it's the price because India is a price-sensitive market. Even if the taste of the food is good but the person is selling at high prices then there will be very few takers if the dish is worth the price or not. It's one of the big factors which I take care of.

8. Can food blogging become a regular career?

Not just food blogging but content creation is a full-time job and many people are doing it. In the times we live in one particular can guarantee it as a career but how sustainable it is a very subjective thing because it depends on how you manage it. There are many examples of many people who became good creators but couldn't manage their finances and it is again one of the major factors. If you can manage your finances well then it's a very promising career.


9. Any advice that would like to give to budding food bloggers?

Do something unique and something different. See how you can stand apart because there are a lot of people who show food but what are you bringing to the table that matters? All the successful creators have their USP, try to find your USP and if you can your audience will tell you this XYZ thing is what they like about you and you can work on that. It will take time to create your USP.

Enjoy the process, struggles and your journey of content creation. The harsh reality is that in the starting it's not very fruitful. It takes time and patience. In the era of instant gratification, patience is very important.

Also, don't shy away from doing new things, keep experimenting because this is such a field where if you don't adapt you will lose. This is very important to see what works and see what doesn't works and just adapt.

10. What challenges did you face during this journey and what did you learn from them?

The first challenge was the finances. When I started it I was a student and didn't have much money and I used to do something, borrow from my parents to do the household work and in return get money in the beginning. Because my parents are a bit different they are like do whatever you want just don't ask for money from us. 

So I faced initially and I didn't know anyone in the starting and building connections that took time, just my ego went down because when you are in the content creation you have to take a lot of favours from a lot of people. If you hesitate to ask, you won't get it. Just be a little humble and open to a lot of opportunities, and collaborate with a lot of other people. 

Majorly finances and lack of resources. But India works on jugaar and going from one place to another- travelling, crouching heat of Delhi. Delhi people know how difficult it is to travel by public transport in the summers but eventually, it paid off. Another challenge I faced was confidence I was really camera conscious and gaining that confidence took a lot of time. When one is starting and you are shooting there then you have a lot of things in mind what people will think, what would they say, etc and all those notions got broken. 

I told myself that I am here to work, I am here for a purpose and I should care about what other people say or think about me. And this happened initially 3-4 years back and now it's a very open thing, they accept it and are very curious to know what are you doing but 4-5 years back they were like what the hell is happening and what the hell is he doing? But now I have that ‘ I don't care ’ wala attitude and it took a lot of time to develop. 


Interviewed By - Shashank Sehgal

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