What Your Favorite Colour Says About You: Top 9 Colours

 Colour Psychology

 Colour psychologist Angela Wright says:

“We all have a favourite colour,

which tells a lot about

our personality and behaviour”

That's why big brands, companies, websites, apps, and visual artists trick us psychologically by using particular colours according to our behaviour, such as using only red colour on the tag of the sale, sales increase by up to 80%, and same Facebook, Windows Many brands like, Twitter and hp use the blue colour in their logo so that they can subconsciously build trust in our minds, although most people do not know about colour psychology.

But psychologists say that it is very important for everyone to know about the psychology of colours so that you can know about your personality better.

1. Black

Black is such a colour that makes the mood serious. Psychologists say that black colour represents

1. Power

2. Control

3. Intelligence

This is the reason why a black dress is worn at the time of graduation. People whose favourite colour is a black show that they are a serious person who is highly ambitious and purposeful, but at the same time, they are very sensitive and emotional.

They maintain a mysterious personality of theirs, and they do not let it be known from the outside, that's why the black dress is also used in our courtrooms, and many business minds and rich people use this colour to represent them like a serious personality.

2. Red

The red colour is considered to be the most important in psychology. There are two forms of this one colour, where on one hand this colour represents passion, love, and lust, while on the other hand, it also shows power, aggression, and anger.

People whose red colour is their favourite are people with very strong personalities and strong emotions, such people like adventure more, such people are not afraid of taking risks, but at the same time, they always want to be the centre of attention, for which they show their self-centred nature to everyone.

Now because the red colour is associated with blood and fire, that's why it also increases the progress of the people, as well as the red colour looks different and bright among all the other colours, that's why many big companies use phone notifications to attract the attention of the people. It is also used in its advertisements and people who like red like to treat themselves differently and special.

3. Blue

The blue colour is also called men's colour, most people like blue very much. Blue is a short wavelength colour that is cool and calm, it represents mainly:

1. Peace

2. Trust

3. Reliability

Because of this reason, many big brands also use this colour to build trust with their customers.

4. Green

Green is a short wavelength colour that represents:

1. Nature

2. Money 

3. Luck

4. Health

Green overall is a positive colour, it is used opposite to red, where red shows strong emotions, while green shows safety and health. A study found that a green light environment increased participants' reading ability more, whereas, in the red light environment, it reduced, only then you must have noticed that when we talk about health, most of the healthy products are promoted in the market in green colour, if you like green very much, then it shows that you are a positive person.

5. Yellow

Hearing the yellow colour, all good things come to your mind, the sun coming out in the cold or the fresh mangoes of yellow colour in the summer because yellow represents

1. Happiness

2. Sunshine

3. Laughter

If your favourite colour is yellow then you are a light-hearted and positive person. Like red, yellow also stands out from others. It has been seen in the study that our brain releases serotonin which increases our metabolism and makes us feel good indirectly.

That's why people who like yellow colour do show high self-esteem and high confidence. But too much yellow often increases anxiety and nervousness, which is why most people avoid wearing yellow-coloured clothes.

6. Purple

In earlier times, purple colour was considered a symbol of royalty and luxury because at that time only wealthy people could afford purple clothes, still, in today's times, purple is known for its creativity and artistic nature.

People who like purple colour are often more emotional and sensitive, such people have more sense of humour and creativity than other people. Such people are always ready to help others.

Purple is a colour that is made up of many colours, but still, it looks different for everyone. Purple colour also represents loneliness, where the person's art is his true friend, who is there for him in both his good and bad times.

7. Orange

Do you see yourself as a productive person? If you like to relax after finishing your work on time, then there is a high chance that orange can be your favourite colour because this colour represents

1. Energy

2. Warmth

3. Enthusiasm

People's energy levels become high in the presence of the orange colour and they feel more motivated, which helps them to do difficult tasks easily, as well as orange colour is also associated with spiritual practice, meditation, and compassion.

Where all monks wear orange colour clothes which represent their simplicity and non-materialistic lifestyle. You can use the orange colour to increase your productivity.

8. Pink

Now listening to this colour must have come to your mind, it is the favourite colour of girls, but it is not like that, some like the pink colour very much, but whether you are a boy or a girl, if you like the pink colour the most, then it represents

1. Calmness

2. Peace 

3. Sedative

This colour is also treated as immature, so avoid it in a professional and mature environment.

9. White

White colour represents:

1. Kindness 

2. Purity

3. Innocence

4. Simplicity

5. Freedom

When something new is happening in life most people like to wear something white. People who like to wear white, are pure-hearted people, most of them do not think badly about anyone and always help people. Our mind also connects white with space, that's why most people in the US paint white houses and doors in white which makes their houses seem bigger.

Written By: Saloni

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