8 Walking Red Flags That You Should Avoid

a red flag meaning, red flags in a relationship,
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For this article, I asked people around me about things they hate and think most people hate too but before I present their answers and my comment to each one of them let us discuss what is hating and why we hate.

What Is Hatred?

Hatred meaning linguistically is to experience a strong aversion to something or it can be formally used to show sorrow or embarrassment over something, like saying, “I hate to bother you”. This is somewhat superficial, isn’t it?

More psychologically it is When we believe someone or something is a threat to our pleasure, success, or general well-being, we experience the emotion of hating.

Hate serves as a driving force for us to avoid or distance ourselves from those whom we perceive as having the capacity to harm us. All of us have a natural tendency to steer clear of pain and towards pleasure.

Why Do People Hate?

Hatred stimulates parts of the frontal cortex that may be used to assess and forecast the behavior of others. This area activated by hate is the same as romantic love.

Anyway, Love and hate are two extremes of the same thing, according to science, which has demonstrated that the mind employs the same large section in both states. Everyone enjoys the emotion of love, but no one welcomes the feeling of hatred, thus the chemicals or chemistry involved in hatred is still not fully understood.

What are the 8 Red Flags That People Hate The Most?

  • Being Too Cool To Care
    It may be cool to be cool, but being too cool to care just makes you cold-hearted.

  • Being Disrespectful To Show Authority
    Being disrespectful does not mean you are an important person. When you become kind and polite with people no matter what their position is they will respect you back.

  • When Someone Tells A Lie Even If You Know The Truth
    They look you in the eye and tell you what you know for sure is a complete lie.
    Do they think you are an idiot?
    Do they care how pitiful they seem?

  • Acting Controlling
    We do not have, under any condition and whatever our position is, the right to control someone. People are not machines. If you are giving instructions nicely give them.

  • Feeling Jealous For Someone Else's Success
    I think this is a good thing but to a certain limit If exceed it will turn to jealousy. We should put that in mind to not find us hating these people while they did not harm us.

  • Who Fake It All
    To be assured of someone and the truth that he speaks on your back or even hates you; is the worst thing you can do to another person. If you do not want to be a friend of someone anymore go tell him, see if you can fix your relationship or not but do not ever speak on his back. What if he knew? What are you going to look like?

  • Racism
    Racism is inequitable opportunities based on sex, nationality, skin color, etc. It is a pity that we are in the 21 century and people still do that.

Written by: Heba Salah

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