Yoga - The 7 Chakras and Asanas

In our day-to-day life of our 20s people are devoted to their workplace, party with their friends, family, and collages, are stressed about their careers, messed up in peer pressure, anxiety, and so on.

This generation is a total mess in their lives, no matter if it is about their mental health, their physical health, or their social life.

In this busy and stressful life, one should always try to take out some personal time just for themselves to take a moment, pause, breathe, meditate, feel the environment the fresh air around them, and relax their mind and body with some exercises and yoga.

Introduction to Yoga

Yoga was introduced during the pre-vedic period of 2700 B.C. and thereafter till Patanjali’s period and in India, it was introduced 5000 years ago. It's been a long practicing Yoga to unleash the spiritual and mental powers of an individual. There are many benefits of doing yoga as one can improve their mental health through meditation and many asanas that improve our thinking ability and helps us to grow. As it’s been observed and also tested that yoga is not just a couple of exercises of bending or stretching out our muscles theirs a lot going on inside our skin when we practice yoga.

First of all, yoga helps us to unlock the 7 Chakras in our body. Let’s get introduced to that.


The 7 Chakras that our body consists of are namely as Crown Chakra, Third eye Chakra, Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Sacral Chakra, and Root Chakra.

1. Crown Chakra - Also known as Saharara which is responsible for our spiritual connection to ourselves, the universe, and others as it also provides us with the purpose of our life.

2. Third eye Chakra - Also known as Ajna, located between our and is responsible for intuition.

3. Throat Chakra - Also known as Vishuddha, mainly responsible for our better verbal communication.

4. Heart Chakra -  Also known as Anahata, is located near your heart, in the center of your chest. It can love and show compassion.

5. Solar Plexus Chakra - Also known as Manipura, it helps us in the way of our confidence level, self-esteem, and control of life in some way.

6. Sacral Chakra- Also known as Svadhisthana, it is located under our belly button and is responsible for our emotional attachment to ourselves and others, it also controls our sexual and creative energy.

7. Root Chakra - Also known as Muladhara, responsible for the sense of security and stability as helps you to withstand challenges in your life.

Yoga helps to open to unlock all these Chakras in our body for better functioning of these chakras in our body.

The way to open these chakras is to do many types of asanas which are usually a type of physical exercise. 

There are a total of 108 asanas in the most extended sequencing manner and as there are listed differently in different selections and traditionally there are 84 asanas.

Though in our daily schedule, it becomes really difficult to practice all these asanas every day. So here are some basic asanas to practice daily-

1. Anjaneyasana-Stretches the chest, hip flexors, quadriceps, sides of the waist, and tops of the ankles and feet. Helps in maintaining the balance and focus of mind and body.

2. Virabhadrasana- It stretches your shoulder, inner thighs, lungs, and chest and also stretches your legs to help in improving stamina and concentration of the body.

3. Trikonasana- Useful for people who want to increase their height as it lengthens the side of the body, stretches the inner thighs, hamstrings, spine, chest, and calves, and also strengthens the legs and back.


4. Vrksasana- Helps in improving our concentration level, calms the mind to make a better focus on things, and also strengthens our legs, ankle, and spin. Also improves the balance of the body.

5. Salabhasana- It helps in improving the stamina of our body and also stimulates the digestive system and strength of the body and improves mobility in the back.

Here are some most simple and easy 5 yoga asanas that one can practice daily to improve their health and can keep their body in a better and healthy position. Not just physically but mentally too.

Rather than all the asanas there is a most important asana or say exercise and that is meditation. Even if you’re not practicing all these asanas you should always take out 10minutes of your schedule and practice meditation daily as it helps you to keep your mind calm and focus on your work.

Written by Aditi Singh

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