Embracing Inclusivity - Unveiling the LGBTQ+ Community's Role in Society

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Source- national today


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) communities are a catch-all phrase for several sexual orientations and gender identities. They have fought for recognition and equality for many years. Numerous people who identify as something other than heterosexual or cisgender are included in the LGBTQ community.

More and more people are coming out and leading proud, open lives as a result of the LGBTQ community's rising acceptance in recent years.


lgbt meaning, what is lgbtq
Source- CNN


Variants involved in the respective community are 

  1. Asexual community

    Asexual people do not feel attracted to other people sexually. Even though some people may still feel romantically attracted to others, others might not.
  1. Transgender community

    People who identify as transgender do not use the sex that was assigned to them at birth. To match their physical appearance with their gender identification, this may include undergoing hormone treatment, surgery, or other medical procedures.
  1. Intersex community

    People who do not meet the traditional definitions of male or female due to their physical sex at birth. Individuals with chromosomal variants, ambiguous genitalia, or other physical changes may fall under this category.
  1. Nonbinary community

    Non-binary people can identify as both, neither, or a combination of genders; they do not only identify as male or female.

Source- The News minute


  1. Gay or lesbians 

    These people are drawn romantically and sexually to other people of the same gender.

  2. Bisexual

    These include people who are drawn to people of any gender expression or identity.


Recognizing and valuing the diversity of the LGBTQ community is crucial. Regardless of a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, it is important to support and fight for them all since each variety has its own special difficulties and experiences.

Problems Being Faced as a Part of the LGBTQ Community

  1. Lack of legal protection

    LGBTQ people frequently encounter legal obstacles to adoption, healthcare, and other fundamental rights that other people take for granted. Although some nations have made significant progress toward protecting LGBTQ people's rights and legalizing same-sex unions, many others still have a long way to go.
  1. Discrimination

    Discrimination may take many different forms, such as being physically abused or even killed, or being refused housing or work. It is up to all of us to cooperate to fight against this discrimination, which is frequently motivated by ignorance and fear.
  1. Lack of understanding and education

    Many people might not be aware of the difficulties LGBTQ persons have daily, such as discrimination in employment, housing, or healthcare.
  1. Mental health issues

    Due to the stigma and discrimination they encounter, LGBTQ people are more likely to suffer from mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Source- NPR

Not only as a part of the LGBTQ community but also being a supporter, one needs to face several problems. These problems could originate from close friends or relatives who might not comprehend or agree with your position on LGBTQ rights.

Problems Faced as a Supporter of the LGBTQ Community

  1. Discrimination and prejudice

    Prejudice towards those who hold different beliefs or values. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from verbal abuse and harassment to physical assault and hate crimes.
  1. Lack of understanding and education

    Stereotyping LGBTQ individuals leads to misunderstanding and negative attitudes.
  1. Lack of support in their local communities

    If we talk about local communities we will find that there are very few or almost no resources which are dedicated to LGBTQ rights which makes it difficult for the supporters to connect with others and ask for support who can share your values

Source- the new york times


Despite these difficulties, there are lots of ways that those who support the LGBTQ community can work to get past them and have a positive influence on their neighborhoods.

What Should Be Done To Support the Community?

  1. Speak out against discrimination and hate
  2. Educate yourself and others to make a positive impact
  3. Attending and organizing rallies, programs, and protest
  4. Use your platform and voice to advocate for their rights
  5. Use social media, one of the most powerful tool

In various colleges and organizations, there is a particular community or society for LGBTQ+ that supports them and works for them to help them to bring equality, acceptance, and respect.

Source- USA Today


Source- PBS


Source- FBS


Source- AI Jazeera


Source- Darkroom- Baltimore Sun


We must celebrate and encourage diversity in all its manifestations because the LGBTQ community is a crucial component of our society. It is a varied and strong collection of people who have overcome enormous obstacles in their struggle for equality. Even though there has been progress, there is still more to be done, thus we must keep advocating for and supporting LGBTQ people. We can make society more inclusive and tolerant for everyone through promoting awareness, education, and committed advocacy activities.

Source- Hallmark ideas


The LGBTQ people are also the creation of god itself, they are also just like other humans the only difference is the feeling they own. It is not their fault, it is accepted by God and we are no one to judge them.


By- Khushi Bansal

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