Ways to Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious Mind


Your subconscious mind is your passive mind. It’s always awake because it regulates all of your bodily functions, and it records and stores your every experience even when you’re not consciously paying attention.

Your subconscious mind is like a huge memory bank. It permanently stores everything that ever happens to you, and its capacity is virtually unlimited.

By the time you reach the age of 21, you’ve already permanently stored more than one hundred times the contents of the entire Encyclopedia Britannica.

Under hypnosis, people can often remember, with perfect clarity, past events that happened many years before.

Thoughts come and go in your conscious mind. It constantly changes. Your subconscious mind takes a little bit more than that to be convinced about the change you’ve been proposing lately. No, it won’t change until you keep repeating it forever.

Over 90% of your brain’s activity takes place in your subconscious mind: It’s a reservoir of thoughts, feelings, and memories that lies beneath your conscious awareness.

Murphy claims that your subconscious mind passively accepts your habitual conscious thoughts without question. In other words, it doesn’t judge any of your conscious thoughts 

Conscious Mind VS Unconscious Mind

The exciting news is we can use our conscious minds to reprogram our subconscious minds and harness the power of positive thinking to overcome negative thoughts and bad habits to achieve all of our life dreams.

  • Conscious mind is sequential and logical while the unconscious mind is spontaneous and processes information instantly.
  • Unconscious mind is capable of multitasking while conscious mind does not have this ability.
  • Unconscious mind can make associations and links between many thoughts and ideas while conscious mind is linear and thinks in terms of cause and effect.
  • Unconscious mind knows why while conscious mind seeks why.
  • Unconscious minds perceive and feel while conscious mind does intellectual thinking
  • While the conscious mind works in the waking state, the unconscious mind is associated with dreams, reflection, meditation and sleep.
  • Conscious mind has to make an effort to move parts of your body while the unconscious mind does it involuntarily.

How to activate Subconscious mind?

Think positive and only think good. Sometimes it's not possible. Then just relax. If negative thoughts come, let them. Envelop yourself and emit positivity through meditation, faith in a benevolent higher power and yourself.

Start the day on a positive note. Look at your hands every morning, and tell yourself: These hands are going to do amazing work.


Meditate for ten minutes before turning in and be grateful. It doesn’t matter how your day went, what challenges you had, and the failures. Just be grateful. And be happy. You’ve got a lot going for you in the present moment, right here and right now.

Sleep well

A lack of sleep can pressurize the body and mind to function at their optimal levels when actually, they are exhausted. An exhausted mind is susceptible to irritation, anger, and negativity. An exhausted body is depleting its reserves. Sleep for at least 6-8 hours to help program yourself to a positive state of life.

Think big

Dream larger-than-life. And know that focusing on a goal that has a good intention is the best thing ever. It will give you a sense of purpose, strength to overcome challenges and lift your mind from small, petty issues in life.

Be confident

Ask for what you want from the universe. But don’t hesitate. If you’re hesitant to ask the question or are not sure about getting it, the universe will reflect your energy. And perhaps it won’t be sure about giving you what you want. Not a pretty thought, right?

And now, have faith. You’ve asked confidently; you’ve worked hard. Now surrender it. Be happy and have the faith that only the best will happen to you.

Unearthing forgotten memories 

The subconscious thoughts include the various thoughts that one may not readily remember and also includes the memories of the past which we may assume that we have forgotten. Subconscious works efficiently in the background and plays a huge role in the functioning of our day-to-day lives.

The subconscious also includes thoughts and behaviors that may not be in sync with that of the conscious and therefore are not acted upon. There are multiple ways inn which the subconscious plays a role in shaping the way we and our life turn out to be.

Written By: Radhika Agrawal

Edited by: Aastha setia

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