The Plot
Dia (Kushee Ravi) is madly in love with Rohit (Deekshith Shetty), a classmate. But after three grueling years, Rohit abruptly leaves college and meets Dia. Finally, the pair experiences love after Cupid strikes. The pair splits up just when things appear to be going smoothly.
Disgusted by this, Dia continues on with her life and develops feelings for Adi (Pruthvi Ambaar), a cute person. Dia, who had been pals with him, now has feelings for Adi. Rohit reappears when the plot is about to take a joyful turn. Now, who will Dia wed? The rest of the plot is made up of that.
Movie Name: Dia
Director: KS Ashok
Language: Kannada
Genre: Romance/Drama
The Plot
Dia (Kushee Ravi) is madly in love with Rohit (Deekshith Shetty), a classmate. But after three grueling years, Rohit abruptly leaves college and meets Dia. Finally, the pair experiences love after Cupid strikes. The pair splits up just when things appear to be going smoothly.
Disgusted by this, Dia continues on with her life and develops feelings for Adi (Pruthvi Ambaar), a cute person. Dia, who had been pals with him, now has feelings for Adi. Rohit reappears when the plot is about to take a joyful turn. Now, who will Dia wed? The rest of the plot is made up of that.
Our Main Character - Dia
The portrayal of Dia by Kushee Ravi has the biggest impact. She offers an outstanding performance and masterfully conveys the suffering that her character experiences. The young actress controls the movie and bears it on her shoulders, and her expressive eyes can convey a thousand words. Each of the principal actors does a good job in their individual roles.
The Perfect Climax
The big twists that are shown in the movie have been well-timed. Particularly the climax, which is well-written and shocking. The storyline, language, and character development are all excellent. The movie does a good job of expressing the one-sided love viewpoint. The idea of finding love after a breakup is demonstrated in a very compelling way.
The twists in the tale come as a surprise when you watch the movie, although the plot is actually rather straightforward. The film's pacing, which drags a bit, especially near the middle, is by far its largest flaw.
KS Ashoka made their debut with the unexpected hit 6-5=2. This time, he switches to a totally different genre: romance. This one, like Gantumoote, shows a love tale through the perspective of its title character Dia. The plot develops at its own speed, and the appropriate twists occur at the appropriate points. The story has a strong spirit, is uplifting, and makes you tear up.
The Good and Not-So-Good
In films, love stories are not frequently shown without music. However, Dia keeps you captivated by the screen even without any tunes. The movie starts with a damaged lover on a railway track and then cuts to her experiencing love twice. Both of these tales are expertly written, and the simple romance is charming.
This movie has an advantage due to its realistic presentation of the issue, skillful cinematography by Vishal Vittal, and appropriate background music by Ajaneesh Loknath.
The three young actors rise to the task of giving performances that
elevate a story like this. A special mention should go to Pruthvee Ambar in
particular since he lights up the screen and has Kamal Haasan's youthful
charisma. Additionally, Pavithra Lokesh participates in a sweet mother-son
feeling track, and she does a good job.
Dia is different since it has no extraneous frills and an engaging story. This story tells a love story from the perspective of a female, which is a rare occurrence in screenplays about love.
Who Should Watch It?
Dia isn't for people who want sugar-floss love stories that just touch on the most superficial feelings. The movie is instead intended for those who wish to see films in a daringly original way without resorting to cliches or mainstream tropes.
Social Media Impact
Although several celebrities talked about and gave the movie favorable reviews, the audience was not drawn into the theatre. The number of theatres eventually decreased. Theatre performances were halted in the meantime owing to the lockdown.
People who wished to see something at a theatre were unable to do so. As individuals in Karnataka were being imprisoned, Amazon Prime nonetheless purchased the movie Dia, and as people began watching it there, the film quickly gained popularity.
Everyone began sharing their opinions on it on social media and lamented not seeing it in a theatre. To pay the ticket price, the majority of them really asked the director for his google pay number. However, the filmmaker refuted this and expressed gratitude that the mobo reached the public.
Personal Verdict
Regarding the plot of the film, the background music, and the purity of each character—including Dia and her first love, Aadi, and Adi's mother—were what I loved. The story's narrative is fantastic. The journey of the movie begins in Bangalore and ends in Mangalore before returning to Bangalore and Mumbai.
Although the film doesn't have a large cast, you will want to see it repeatedly. Railway tracks serve as both the beginning and the end of the film. The climax is so heartbreaking that no one can fathom it.
The character Dia lingers in the hearts and minds of the viewers likely because of that climactic sequence, which is what the filmmaker probably intended. I doubt that the tale would have stayed with the viewers long after the movie had ended if Dia and Adi had wed.
The Kannada cinema industry is developing to a new level. The movie doesn't include a single battle or song, but it nevertheless manages to keep viewers seated for 2.5 hours.
Written by - Yuvashri