Unconventional Norms in North Korea

North Korea has long captivated the world with its enigmatic and tightly governed regime. Among the aspects that have piqued international curiosity are the peculiar regulations that dictate the daily lives of North Korean citizens.

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Source: Unspalsh

From idiosyncratic rules concerning hairstyles and fashion to limitations on media access and internet usage, North Korea stands as a nation with a distinct set of guidelines that may appear perplexing to outsiders. In this article, we will embark on an exploration of some of the most fascinating and bewildering regulations in North Korea, shedding light on their origins, purposes, and the impact they have on the lives of those residing within the secretive nation.

The State-Approved Hairstyles

One of the most distinctive facets of life in North Korea revolves around the realm of state-approved hairstyles. In accordance with the country's stringent guidelines, citizens are constrained to select from a prescribed list of government-sanctioned hairstyles. Straying from the approved styles puts individuals at risk of penalties or even public disgrace. This rule serves as a means of exerting control over self-expression and ensuring conformity within the society. The government perceives hairstyles as a reflection of an individual's loyalty to the regime, with deviations considered signs of disloyalty or Western influence.

The state-endorsed hairstyles predominantly embody conservative ideals and reflect traditional Korean values. Men are expected to maintain short hair without any facial hair, while women are encouraged to possess long hair, typically styled in a traditional manner. These regulations are enforced through regular inspections and surveillance to ensure compliance. Failure to adhere to the prescribed hairstyles can result in disciplinary measures such as public humiliation, fines, or even enforced haircuts as a form of punishment.

Dress Code and Fashion Restrictions Beyond Fashion's Borders

In addition to dictating hairstyles, North Korea imposes strict dress codes and fashion restrictions. Citizens are expected to adhere to conservative attire, with guidelines specifying appropriate clothing lengths and styles. Western fashion trends are discouraged, and clothing deemed excessively "foreign" or "decadent" is prohibited. The regime aims to reinforce traditional Korean culture and deter external influences that might challenge its hold over the population.

The dress code in North Korea promotes modesty and conformity. Women are expected to wear skirts or dresses that cover their knees, while men are encouraged to wear suits or traditional Korean attire. Western-style clothing, such as jeans or t-shirts featuring slogans or symbols, is strictly regulated and considered inappropriate. The government enforces these restrictions through public dress inspections and surveillance, ensuring that citizens comply with established norms.

Fashion in North Korea bears heavy influence from the government's Juche ideology, which emphasizes self-reliance and independence from foreign influences. The regime encourages North Korean fashion designers to create clothing that aligns with its values and fosters national pride.

Limited Media and Internet Access Navigating the Information Abyss
Another striking aspect of life in North Korea is the severe restrictions on media and internet access. The government tightly censors and controls all forms of media, including television, radio, newspapers, and internet content. Citizens have access only to state-controlled media outlets, which disseminate government propaganda and control the flow of information. Internet access is heavily restricted, with only a select few individuals and institutions granted limited connectivity. This rule aims to prevent external influences and maintain the regime's firm grip on information dissemination.

In North Korea, the media serves as a potent propaganda tool, shaping public opinion to align with the government's ideology. The regime controls the narrative by propagating information that supports its agenda while suppressing dissenting voices or critical viewpoints. Television and radio broadcasts are closely monitored and offer a limited range of programming, primarily consisting of state-sanctioned news, cultural programs, and glorification of the ruling Kim dynasty.

Internet access in North Korea is tightly regulated, and the majority of the population does not have access to the global internet. The government operates its own intranet, known as Kwangmyong, which provides a highly censored and controlled version of the internet. It offers limited access to state-approved websites and content, with extensive surveillance to monitor online activities. Only a small fraction of the population, primarily high-ranking officials and privileged individuals, have access to a more extensive version of the internet, but even then, it is heavily filtered and monitored.

North Korea's Cult of Personality

North Korea's ruling dynasty, particularly the Kim family, has cultivated a cult of personality that permeates every aspect of life. Citizens are required to exhibit absolute loyalty and devotion to the Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, and his predecessors. The regime enforces public adulation through constant indoctrination and strict penalties. Failure to display appropriate reverence towards the leadership can result in severe consequences, including imprisonment or even execution.

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Source: The Newyorker 
The New Yorker
The cult of personality in North Korea revolves around the Kim family, portraying them as infallible and god-like figures. The regime disseminates propaganda that glorifies the Kim dynasty and its leadership, fostering a sense of worship and unwavering loyalty among the population. Portraits and statues of the leaders are prominently displayed throughout the country, and citizens are compelled to participate in public displays of loyalty and devotion.


North Korea's unusual regulations offer a glimpse into a society tightly controlled by conformity and unwavering loyalty to the regime. While these rules may seem perplexing to many, they serve the purpose of maintaining the regime's authority over its citizens and ensuring ideological adherence. Although these regulations may appear oppressive, they have become ingrained in the daily lives of North Koreans, shaping their behaviors, choices, and even thoughts. Gaining an understanding of these peculiar rules provides valuable insights into the unique dynamics of North Korean society and the challenges faced by its people.

Written By
-Anas Ahamed

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