Big Bang - Voyage From Nothing to a Still Expanding Universe

The universe's beginning is best explained by the Big Bang theory, which is widely accepted. There was nothing before the Big Bang, including neither time nor space.

expension of universe, our universe
Source: WallpaperCave

Origin of the Universe

The Big Bang Theory is a scientific theory that explains the origin and evolution of the cosmos. It asserts that the universe has changed over its approximate 13.8-billion-year history since it first emerged as a hot, dense point. The production of elements and ultimately stars, planets, and life was a result of the universe going through phases like the radiation period and the matter era.

Evidence to support this notion includes the absence of stars in the night sky, the presence of quasars, and Hubble's discovery of an expanding universe.

The Big Bang was not an explosion but rather the simultaneous stretching of all of space. It explains the early cosmos, the creation of matter and particles, the universe's expansion, and the ensuing generation of atoms, stars, and galaxies.

There are still concerns concerning the nature of the cosmos because the precise facts surrounding the Big Bang and its beginnings are still unknown.

In the 20th century, astronomers learned that the universe's expansion was speeding up, suggesting the existence of an unidentified force. When a solar eclipse occurred in 1919, predictions made by Einstein's theory of relativity were verified as to why Mercury's orbit behaved in such an odd way.

Though they are contradictory at the lowest scales, general relativity, and quantum physics provide us with a richer knowledge of gravity and the behavior of atoms.

In the universe, "nothing" is actually not empty; rather, it is made up of virtual particles. The mass of things like protons is influenced by these particles, which appear and disappear. There was once zero total energy in the universe, which was divided into positive and negative energy.

A perfectly balanced, flat universe with a total energy of precisely zero is produced when positive energy is represented by observable matter and negative energy is in the form of gravity.


Singularities are incredibly dense and hot points where scientists think the universe first formed. Space and time began to expand as a result of the singularity. Everything in the cosmos was created as a result of the precise amount of heat and energy present in the singularity.

Even though the cosmos is expanding faster than ever, we are seeing less of it as time goes on. Scientists refer to the unidentified force that is producing this acceleration as "dark energy," which makes up 70% of the cosmos and is more powerful than gravity. This process, referred to as the "big rip," might cause matter and atoms to shatter. It can be difficult to comprehend the expanding cosmos and the Big Bang, but an example involving tennis balls on a piece of elastic makes the idea easier to understand.

How do We Know The Universe is Expanding?

Around a century ago, it was discovered that the universe was expanding. Indicating that the universe is expanding and that the galaxies are moving away from us, astronomers saw that the light from galaxies was redshifted. This expansion is the result of space itself stretching out, rather than galaxies moving apart from one another. It has been discovered that dark energy is speeding up the Hubble constant, which measures the expansion rate.


The term "red shift" refers to a change in the wavelength of light. The Doppler effect, gravity, and the expansion of space can all lead to redshift. Doppler redshift, gravitational redshift, and cosmic redshift are three different types of redshifts. Redshift is not a fundamental characteristic of photons; instead, it is a function of the observer's frame of reference. It is stated that, on a human scale, neither the cosmos nor people themselves are expanding.

Universe from Nothing

big bang, how universe formed
Source: Wallpaper Cave

The ability to create something out of nothing defies the laws of physics, which is why scientists find it difficult to explain. They also consider what will happen to the cosmos in the future, putting out the possibility that it will cool and vanish into nothingness.

The idea of the universe emerging from nothing is discussed in science, along with its implications for the existence of God. It investigates the hypothesis that the quantum fluctuations and information processes that make up the universe are not basic but rather emergent. It also discusses the opposing opinion of certain scientists and philosophers, who claim that this theory does not explain how something can be created out of nothing at all. A quotation from scientist Max Planck that implies there is a conscious, intelligent mind underlying the forces of the universe.

Bottom Line

The Big Bang theory stands as the prevailing explanation for the origin of the universe and its subsequent evolution. Supported by evidence such as the absence of stars, the presence of quasars, and the expanding universe, this theory reveals a history of cosmic transformation over billions of years.

While the precise details of the Big Bang and its beginnings remain unknown, scientists continue to explore the nature of the cosmos and grapple with profound questions about the universe's expansion, dark energy, and the concept of creation from nothingness.

As our understanding deepens, we gain insights into the intricate workings of the universe, but mysteries still persist, inviting further exploration and contemplation.

Written by - Sneha Rani


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