How to Avoid Common Cold and Flu This Monsoon

It’s the paper boats and hot snacks time of the year, yes the rainy season or the monsoon. Characterized by heavy rainfall, cloudy skies, and a cool breeze, this season has a unique charm of its own.

How to avoid common cold this monsoon
Source- TOI

The new climate model that was developed by a research team led by Prof. Saroj K. Mishra of IIT Delhi has predicted that this year 2023 will be a normal monsoon year. However, along with its beauty, monsoon also brings various challenges like lowering our immunity and brings a bevy of diseases and dangers to human health. 

Here comes 5 simple health tips for the monsoon for all of us to safeguard ourselves from various disease-causing microbes and to enjoy this wonderful time of the year. 

Drink clean water

We take less water in this rainy season. Staying hydrated is the key to eliminating all kinds of germs. So, drinking clean water helps us to stay healthy in this rainy season and this can be achieved by purifying the water at home or by using traditional methods like boiling the water which can kill the harmful microbes present in water. 

To be on the safer side, it is always better to carry your own water bottle when going out. You can also include herbal teas, soups and other hot beverages to provide additional hydration and essential nutrients to your body. 

Destroy breeding grounds for mosquitoes

One of the important things to consider in monsoon health care is to protect us from mosquitoes. Breeding of mosquitoes is a major problem in the monsoon periods. 

So, make sure that there is no open water storage in and around your house. Also ensure that they are well covered with lids so that mosquitoes cannot breed on them.

Check that the drains are also not clogged and most importantly no stagnant water should be held which paves way for the mosquitoes. Use of mosquito repellants can also provide safety up to certain extent.

Maintain personal hygiene:

Due to increased humidity, bacteria and fungi also enjoy growing and tend to thrive in this monsoon season. So, it is mandatory to wash our hands regularly with soap and water and maintain personal hygiene. 

It is also advised not to touch your face or eyes with unwashed hands as it may lead to any infections. Keeping our surroundings clean and dry helps in the reduction of fungal infections. 

Avoid getting wet in the rain

Monsoon rains tempt us to get wet by playing in the rain and not only that, but the rains in monsoons become unpredictable.

So for the question on how to be safe during rainy days is to carry an umbrella or a raincoat with you whenever you go out which may require a little effort from your side but it can save you during unexpected rains and can make you stay healthy even in monsoons.

Foods to avoid in monsoon

Different types of germs live on the skins of fruits and vegetables and especially during monsoon seasons, it becomes unpredictable. Roads have potholes and stagnant water makes it more crucial where those are ideal incubators to form various disease-causing microorganisms. 

Thus, it is better to avoid raw or uncooked food from street food shops and it is always good to go for clean, home-cooked food during the rainy season.

Having well-cooked food can prevent you from various diseases and miseries. Including Probiotic rich foods like yogurt, buttermilk and other fermented foods can promote a healthy gut and help you strengthen your immune system. 

Monsoon is the season that is much awaited for by kids and adults to relax from the scorching heat of the sun.

It not only cools and refreshes us but also brings along many minor and major illnesses through germs and microorganisms. Thus, it is our responsibility to stay safe during the rainy season by following the above-mentioned health tips.

Written By- Saumiyaa KS
Edited By- Akshita Bist

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