What is Quantum Physics in Simple terms? - Unveiling the Mysteries of the Universe

Some students don’t like Physics and feel allergic to it, but still manage to study Engineering which may be because of some other reasons. But truly Physics is a wonderful subject to study and it is not like any other subject which requires memorizing a lot.

Quantum Physics in simple terms

It involves memorizing but more than that, understanding the basic concepts of physics is very important. Once you get it, it won’t go from you forever.

The Unity of Physics and Mathematics

Physics and Mathematics are inseparable friends. There is no Physics without Math and vice versa. Usually, physicists are the people who are strong in Math and if you are strong in Math, you can very easily understand Physics.

It is the study of our life and physics occupies a major role in science. Physics has many branches which opens a space for so many physicists and research and Quantum physics is one among them.

What is Quantum Physics?

Quantum physics is also known as Quantum Mechanics. Usually, people find quantum physics to be tough to understand due to its complexity. Physicists say that, quantum mechanics follow a simple rule which says what is the probability of a particle when it moves from position A to position B. 

The time, distance and energy values derived from those particles during their movement comes under quantum mechanics.

The Notion of Quantum as a Packet of Energy

Quantum in layman’s terms is nothing but a small packet of energy. It is found that all across the Universe, all the laws of physics are valid everywhere for example, the equation E=mc2 is valid all across the universe.

But, when atomic levels are concerned, these laws turn out to be invalid. Other laws of physics and all the equations from physics differ from quantum physics.

key Aspects of Quantum Physics

There are three main aspects in Quantum Physics:

1. Wave particle duality:

Basically, in the quantum level, a proton or electron or neutron can behave both as a particle and as a wave. This phenomenon is called as wave particle duality. A particle can be basically a proton or electron or a neutron. If these behave as particles, their position in the atomic level can be located. 

In contrary to the particle characteristics, if an electron or proton or neutron behaves as a wave, it’s location cannot be found in the wave where it keeps moving continuously.

Thus, in quantum level, an electron or proton or neutron can behave as both particle and wave. This is actually found by using the Double Slit Experiment. This experiment brought surprising results to the scientists when the electrons from an electron gun behaved as particle before reaching the slit and after passing the slit they began to act as waves.

With this the scientists came to a conclusion that in the quantum level, the electrons behave as both particle and as a wave.

2. Superposition

To understand this phenomenon, let us consider a football in the center of a circular ground and audience sitting around. So, the ball when played, surround the circular path only.

Same to that, an electron keeps spinning at a higher speed around the nucleus and that makes the electron to be everywhere which is called as superposition. Physicists also says that electrons revolve around the nucleus like clouds at unimaginable higher speeds.

3. Quantum Entanglement

This term can seem difficult but here comes an easy explanation. An electron’s spin can be in any direction like top to bottom, or bottom to up, or from left to right, or from right to left or in any other direction. 

An electron’s spin at any point can be found using experiments and for instance, if one of the entangled atoms spin from top to bottom it can be said for sure that the other entangled atom revolves or spins from bottom to top. This can be explained from Schrodinger’s Cat Experiment.

The Enigmatic World of Quantum Physics

Quantum physics doesn’t follow any of the existing laws of Physics and that is what makes it more interesting and special topic to speak about. Researchers are bringing out new discoveries everyday and nature keeps amazing us with new researches.

As we dig more into science, we are getting to know more interesting things every day and that encourages researchers and physicists to continue their work in their respective fields.

Despite initial apprehensions, delving into the captivating world of Physics, especially Quantum Physics, can be an enlightening and exhilarating journey. The entwined relationship between Physics and Mathematics forms the bedrock of this fascinating realm.

With each day comes new insights and wonders, pushing the boundaries of human understanding and appreciation for the complexity of the universe.

Written By- Saumiyaa K S

Edited By- Akshita Bist

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