The weather is a mix of events that happen each day in our atmosphere. Weather is different in different parts of the world and changes over minutes, hours, days, and weeks. Most weather happens in the troposphere, the part of Earth's atmosphere that is closest to the ground." UCAR Centre for Science Education.
Heat, clouds, rain, blizzards, fog, frost, hailstorms, hurricanes, lightning, rainbows, snow, thunderstorms, and tornadoes are all weather phenomena that we witness every day.
Heat is a weather condition in which high temperatures are observed. High pressure in the atmosphere moves in and pushes warm air towards the ground. In urban areas, heat is more intense because most of the land is covered with concrete (e.g., roads and footpaths), which does not absorb heat.
As a distinct phenomenon, heat waves have frequently been witnessed all over the world. Heat waves are exceptionally high temperatures of around 40–45 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy weather is when the sky is covered with clouds and there is no or very little sunlight available. Tórshavn in the Faroe Islands is one of the cloudiest places in the world, receiving an average of 840 hours of sunlight per year.
How is the Rainbow Formed?
Rain is a weather phenomenon in which water droplets condensed in the clouds fall to the ground. Mawsyram, India, receives the highest average rainfall in the world. A Rainbow is an optical phenomenon that occurs when sunlight hits raindrops. The light is reflected, and a spectrum of seven colours is formed, which is VIBGYOR.
What conditions lead to the formation of Hurricane?
A hurricane is a strong windstorm that has a circular movement. One of the strongest hurricanes in the world was Hurricane Fifi in 1974, later named Hurricane Orlene. Blizzards are strong, snowy winds. The worst blizzard occurred in Iran in February 1972.
What happens during a Thunderstorm?
A thunderstorm is a weather disturbance in which rain is accompanied by thunderous sounds and lightning. These are often referred to as lightning or electrical storms. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the most thunderstorm-prone area in the world.
What Weather conditions lead to a Tornado?
A tornado is a narrow, violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. The deadliest tornado in the history of mankind was the Daulaputra-Saturia tornado in 1989 in Bangladesh.
In our day-to-day lives, we witness common weather phenomena, which include wind, clouds, rain, snow, fog, and so on. But there are a few less common weather phenomena that can turn disastrous in a short while; these include tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and so on.
Written By- Narayani Sharma
Edited By - Akshita