Can Romance Novels Capture Emotions Better Than Movies? - Top 5 Must-Read Romance Novels

The Supremacy of Romance

Love – isn't this word enough to give someone butterflies? Whether it's movies or books, romance is something that always adds beauty to anything.

Those sweet and heartwarming moments between people who love each other are not only overwhelming and emotional but also leave us with those tingling sensations in our stomachs that brighten our day.

 Top 5 Best Popular Romance Novels

1. Pride and Prejudice (1813)

"Pride and Prejudice," written by Jane Austen and published in 1813, tells the story of Elizabeth Bennet, whose family is in desperate need of an advantageous marriage to support themselves. She meets Mr. Darcy, and eventually, both find themselves drawn to each other.

Celebrated globally, "Pride and Prejudice" is immensely popular among people and has also been adapted into a film.

2. Twisted Series

Source – The Skyline Post

The famous twisted series comprises four books: "Twisted Love," "Twisted Games," "Twisted Hate," and "Twisted Lies", written by Ana Haung.

Each book is based on the lives of four friends – Ava, Bridget, Jules, and Stella – who study at the same university and eventually become inseparable friends.

However, each of them encounters love in the most unexpected way, making this entire series a must-read.

3. The Deal (2015)

Source – Amazon

When we talk about romance, who doesn't like the enemies-to-lovers trope?

"The Deal", written by Elle Kennedy, presents a captivating and addictive story where Hannah Wells makes a deal with the bad boy on campus to get her crush's attention.

4. The Kiss Quotient (2018)

Source – Amazon

Written by Helen Hoang, The Kiss Quotient is a romance trope that revolves around Stella Lane, who hires an escort, Michael Phan, to learn more about dating and physical intimacy but ends up falling hard for him.

5. Archer's Voice (2014)

Source – Flipkart

"Love is the best healer," and "Archer's Voice" is the perfect read for those who believe in this saying.

The protagonists of the story, Bree Prescott and Archer Hale, hold their own stories of pain that they need to share with someone.

Novels Over Movies?

Earlier, books were merely considered a source of knowledge. However, over time, people realized that books are much more than that.

They are journals of emotions not only for the person who wrote them but also for those who read them. Novels have been the basis for many movies that have been adapted from their stories.

But why do people nowadays prefer books over movies?

It's because what books hold can never be matched by on-screen adaptations. While watching movies, we witness the story in front of our eyes, but while reading, we imagine ourselves in the place of the character and live their story in our own way.

Each book is a unique journey.

After all, doesn't pain attract pain? Yes, it does.

These five promising books haven't disappointed any book lover and are thus MUST-READS!  

Written By – Khwaaish Gupta

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