Policy Roadmap for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in Aviation

In an era marked by heightened environmental consciousness, the aviation industry finds itself at a crucial juncture, seeking environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional aeroplane fuels. The pledge made at the 77th International Air Transport Association (IATA) Annual General Meeting in 2021 to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050 heralds a new era of sustainability.

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Concurrently, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and its member states embraced a long-term aspirational goal (LTAG) of achieving net-zero CO2 emissions from aviation by 2050 in 2022. These commitments highlight the industry's recognition of its ecological impact and the urgent need for transformative change.


Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) stands as a beacon of environmental responsibility, sourced from an array of renewable resources known as feedstocks. These encompass an array of options, ranging from the utilization of forestry and agricultural waste, repurposed cooking oil, and even carbon captured directly from the atmosphere.

The innovation doesn't stop there—green hydrogen, a burgeoning eco-friendly energy source, also contributes to the production of SAF. This amalgamation of sustainable feedstocks underscores the aviation industry's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and embracing a greener, more sustainable future.

Aviation's Essential Role in Progress

Beyond its role in fostering global connectivity, the aviation sector plays a pivotal part in driving worldwide economic advancement. It directly contributes to 15 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, showcasing aviation as a catalyst for progress, ranging from poverty alleviation to economic stimulation.

Confronting Emissions with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

Despite its undeniable contributions, the aviation industry is acutely aware of the imperative to address its carbon footprint. The projected air traffic volume in 2050, if reliant solely on conventional jet kerosene, could result in a staggering emission of 1.8 billion tonnes of carbon. In light of this challenge, the concept of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) emerges as a beacon of hope. The industry envisions a 65% reduction in emissions through the widespread adoption of SAF. To realize this ambitious goal, the annual production of over 360 million tonnes (450 billion litres) of SAF by 2050 is essential, sourced from diverse and sustainable feedstock sources.

Forging Collective Partnerships for Sustainability

Transforming these aspirations into tangible outcomes necessitates a collaborative approach involving governments, industry stakeholders, and value-chain partners. Effective government policies are pivotal in incentivizing SAF production and fostering its adoption. Collaborative action is key to overcoming existing obstacles that hinder the seamless integration and rapid advancement of SAF.

Existing Landscape and Prevailing Challenges

As of 2022, global SAF production hovers between 240 and 380 thousand tonnes (300 to 450 million litres), a mere fraction of the total jet fuel demand, accounting for only 0.1% to 0.15%. Notably, despite the cost differential between traditional aviation fuel and SAF, the industry's commitment to sustainability is evident through its willingness to procure every drop of SAF produced. This commitment, however, comes at an additional cost of USD 322 million to 510 million in 2022.

Anticipating Challenges and the Role of Policymakers

Numerous challenges stand in the way of widespread SAF adoption. These challenges include insufficient policy support, the absence of standardized accounting methodologies for SAF, limited accessibility to SAF in existing logistics and airports, and constrained availability of suitable feedstock. Overcoming these obstacles requires comprehensive policy interventions.

Guiding the Way - Policies and Incentives

Policymakers wield considerable influence in shaping a sustainable aviation landscape. The consistency and stability of policies are paramount to instilling confidence in producers and investors, encouraging investments in SAF production. Policies should accelerate not only the utilization of existing production capacity but also promote research and innovation for new production pathways.

Harnessing the Power of Incentives

Incentives serve as a potent catalyst for propelling SAF production. Through measures such as tax relief, subsidies, and loan guarantees, governments can expedite the establishment of sustainable supply chains and bolster energy security. However, policymakers must tread thoughtfully when considering mandates, harmonizing short-term benefits with the long-term growth of the industry.

Harmonization Across Sectors and Future Collaboration

Harmonizing policies across sectors and nations is pivotal to avoiding unintended consequences. The impact of policy measures on relative prices and cross-sector effects necessitates careful consideration. Harmonization fosters equitable conditions for the global aviation industry, advocating for technology neutrality and certifying the integrity of SAF supply chains.

Innovation and Collaboration for an Eco-Friendly Horizon

The industry's commitment to achieving net-zero emissions reflects a combination of innovation and collaboration. Governments, policymakers, and industry leaders all play a vital role in charting this transformative journey. Each policy decision carries the potential to reshape the trajectory of the aviation sector, ensuring that the skies traversed today remain clear and vibrant for generations to come.


In the tapestry of global progress, sustainable aviation emerges as a vivid thread. The determination to achieve net-zero emissions underscores the industry's resolve to unite the world while safeguarding it. The path toward a more sustainable aviation future demands united efforts from all stakeholders, guided by effective policies and a shared vision of a greener future powered by SAF. As the industry navigates forward, the skies of tomorrow hold the promise of sustainability, connectivity, and prosperity.

Written by- Arunangshu Chatterjee

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