Why Is India’s Younger Generation Turning Back to Religion?

Introduction - Indian Cultural Significance

India boasts a rich tapestry of cultural and religious diversity. Many Indian youths feel a profound connection to their cultural and traditional roots, often intertwined with religious components.

Indian religion
Source - Travel Triangle

Engaging with religion offers them a means to reconnect with their heritage, a bond passed down by ancestors to preserve their link with their origins. In India, religion isn't just a belief or a set of customs; it holds supreme significance, sometimes even surpassing one's own life. 

People perceive their religion as the very essence of their existence, with their devotion reflecting this depth. 

The fervour with which religious festivals like Diwali, Eid, Mahavir Jayanti, and Guru Parv are celebrated speaks volumes about the relationship between individuals and their faith.


Impact of Western Influence

Main religion in India
Source - AnthroMania

The growing influence of Western culture on Indian society, particularly among the youth, is becoming increasingly noticeable. 

It's a concern to witness young individuals being drawn to the seemingly "cool" Western lifestyle, often at the expense of their own cultural roots and sense of belonging. 

The extent of this influence is significant, with some youths seemingly disrespecting their own heritage while adopting Western trends.


Religion's Resurgence

Indian religion
Source - Pew Research Center

In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend of Generation Z showing a renewed interest in religion. 

This resurgence is evident on social media platforms, where individuals frequently display their cultural devotion. Social media may have played a pivotal role in fostering this newfound aspect of youth engagement with religion

However, what are the driving forces behind this growing spirituality among young individuals? Let’s explore - 

Factors Contributing to the Trend - 

Search for Identity and Meaning 

As young people navigate the complexities of life, they often seek answers to existential questions about purpose, identity, and the meaning of life. Religion can provide a framework that addresses these profound inquiries and offers a sense of belonging. 

Social Influence 

Family, community, and peer groups significantly shape an individual's religious beliefs and practices. Youths may develop a heightened interest in religion due to the influence of family members, religious leaders, and friends.

Response to Modernization

In some instances, the increasing interest in religion among Indian youths could be a reaction to rapid modernization and globalisation. As traditional values encounter Western influences, some young people might turn to religion for a sense of stability and continuity.

Digital Connectivity

The internet and social media have facilitated youths' exploration and connection with various religious ideas and communities. Online platforms provide access to religious teachings, discussions, and virtual gatherings that can ignite interest and foster engagement.

Spiritual Fulfilment

Many individuals seek spiritual fulfilment and inner peace. Some Indian youths might turn to religion as a means to find solace and cultivate a deeper sense of spirituality in a fast-paced world.

Social Issues and Activism

Religion can serve as a wellspring of inspiration for social activism and community service. Certain youths might be drawn to religious teachings that emphasise social justice and positive change.

Reaction to Secularism

While India is a secular country, debates about the role of religion in public life persist. Some young people might find themselves increasingly interested in religion as a response to perceived challenges to their religious values and beliefs.

The Dark Side

Culture of India
Source - Velivada

While the growing importance and acceptance of religion and culture among the youth are certainly reasons for celebration, they also raise concerns. 

An alarming issue is the increasing aggression among young individuals toward other religions. This aggression is often fueled by a sense of superiority, particularly visible among Hindu and Muslim youths due to long standing disputes between these communities.

However, this aggression sometimes escalates to horrifying consequences. This issue is worsening day by day, compounded by the growing number of incidents that fan the flames.

Occasionally, this aggression is even manipulated for political gain, disregarding the lives of innocent individuals who become victims of this rage.

Final Thoughts 

In conclusion, being genuinely devoted to one's religion is commendable. However, it's imperative not to overlook our responsibilities as citizens of the same nation.

While we should stand up for our religious beliefs when necessary, this stance should not inflict harm upon innocent individuals. 

As youths, we wield immense power to shape our country's trajectory, but this power should never eclipse our moral compass as human beings.

Written By – Khwaaish Gupta

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