Do You Have Healthy Eyes?

Do you also have the problems like Eye Discomfort, Headaches, Blurred Vision, Dry Eyes and tired eyes?

Do you want to know which thing is causing these problems and what are the solutions of these problems?

Well, you keep that thing in your pocket, or in your bag or at your home. That is your Mobile Phone, Computer, TV and Laptop.

Source - Optum

Mobile phones, Laptops and Computers making places in our hearts

Initially the Mobiles and Computers were only used by adults but today millions of people including children are using them for hours. It is very difficult to remove them from our lives completely as they have become an important part of our lives, they have made our lives more easy and convenient and for most of the people it is their earning source.

Your mobile, laptop and computer are hurting your eyes

Working or using mobile phones, laptops, computers for extended period can cause many problems like blurred vision, dry eyes, eye strain, headaches, Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) and many similar problems. Here are some-

Blurred Vision- In blurred vision a person is not able to see the things clear and sharp, everything looks blurry. A person faces difficulties in looking something and his eyes find it harder to focus on things.

Dry and Tired eyes- When we continuously work on the screens, it reduces our blink rate by 66 percent and makes our eyes dry, itchy and tired. Doctors suggest that blinking less can increase the risk of developing Dry Eye Syndrome.

Digital Eye Strain- It is also known as Computer Vision Syndrome. CVS is a group of eye related problems, it does not include only one specific problem, instead it includes a whole range of eye strain and discomfort.

When you work on a computer, your eyes have to focus and refocus all the time. They move back and forth as you read. Your eyes react to images constantly moving and changing, shifting focus, sending rapidly varying images to the brain. All these jobs require a lot of effort from our eye muscles and continuously doing all these activities weakens our eyesight.

Eye pain and headache- Using or working for hours causes headache and eye pain. Everyday we find ourselves making calls, checking emails, scrolling things and doing other things on phones, computers or laptops and that too close. Continuously sitting in front of computer or laptop for hours can lead to eye pain and neck ache, muscle pain and all of these contribute to headache.

Protect your eyes from the blue light attack

Blue light is a type of high energy visible that is emitted by electronic devices. When you stare at a screen for hours at a time, whether it is a computer, TV, phone or tablet, you are exposed to blue light from the device. Here are some ways to protect your eyes from blue light-

⦁ The first way to protect your eyes is 20-20-20 rule, it says if you are working on your screen for 20 minutes then look at something else which is at 20 feet distance from you for 20 seconds.

⦁ The second way to protect your eyes from blue light is ensuring proper lighting. By proper lighting means the background lighting should not be bright. Actually less light is better for your eyes when you are working on your laptop or computer.

⦁ The another way is to put your phone on “Night mode”. It reduces the level of blue light. With night mode you can also reduce the brightness level. Working on laptops and mobile phones with high brightness level lets more blue light enter into your eyes.

⦁ It is very important to blink your eyes. Blinking moistens our eyes and prevents irritation and dryness.

⦁ The next way is not just important for your eyes but for your whole body. We all work for hours and sitting all day working on computer or laptop causes pain in our body parts like in shoulders, back, neck and eyes. To avoid this pain, take atleast one break for 10 minutes every hour. Stand up, shake your body, your arms, legs, back and shoulders and in these 10 minutes you can practice 20-20-20 rule as well.

Our eyes are an important organ of our body. Keep them protected and healthy. Do Eye Exercises daily to make your eyes happy just like you.

Written by -  Shivani Kohli
Edited by - Anushka Dabhade 

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