Riddhi Kumar - Prabhas Has Been My Favorite Co-Star So Far (Indian/Telugu Actress & Multiple Pageants Winner)

"In my roles, I blend languages and cultures to craft characters who resonate deeply with diverse audiences"

1. How did you begin your acting career, and how do you manage linguistic and cultural diversity in roles across different film industries?

I started exploring different art forms from a young age and ventured into acting through short films and pageantry. My journey formally began when I was scouted for the Telugu film "Lover" under Dil Raju Productions. Growing up as an Army officer's daughter taught me to adapt to diverse environments, which has been invaluable in handling linguistic and cultural diversity in roles. I make a point to learn the languages of the industries I work in, such as Telugu and Malayalam, which enhances my craft and respect for different cultures. This approach has been instrumental in my acceptance and growth in the South Indian film industry, where I'm currently working on a film with Prabhas.

2. How do you approach character transformation in your roles?

I approach character transformation with a situational and instinctual method. Each role demands a unique understanding of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, influencing external aspects like body language, accents, and gestures. Internally, I delve into the character's emotional landscape, adjusting my own emotions to authentically portray their experiences and upbringing.

3. What significant challenges have you faced as an actor, and how did you overcome them?

Initially, overcoming language barriers was a significant challenge. I dedicated myself to learning new languages, which was essential for roles in different regional cinemas. Additionally, roles sometimes require learning specific skills like deep-sea scuba or archery, which I see as opportunities for personal and professional growth. Developing resilience to handle setbacks and rejections has also been crucial in sustaining my career in a competitive industry.

4. Who has been your favorite co-star, and why?

Prabhas has been my favorite co-star so far. His reputation as a 'darling' in the South Indian film industry is well-deserved due to his humility and kindness. Working with him made me feel comfortable on set, and his engaging personality fostered a great working environment. We had enjoyable conversations which further enriched our professional collaboration.

5. If you could choose any role to play, what would it be, and why?

I find roles with complex moral dimensions fascinating, particularly characters who challenge norms and expectations. Playing a compelling villain who defies conventions and is unpredictable would be immensely rewarding. Specifically, I would love to portray Rekha in her biopic, as her life and career are deeply intriguing to me.

6. If you could step into the shoes of any fictional character from a movie or series for a day, who would it be, and what intrigues you about their life?

I would choose Sherlock Holmes. His unparalleled intellect, analytical skills, and eccentric personality make for a thrilling narrative. The idea of engaging in daily investigations and using my mind to its fullest potential, all while embodying his quirky charm, would be an exhilarating experience. As someone interested in detective roles, Sherlock Holmes embodies the epitome of a master detective, making it an ideal fictional character to step into.


Riddhi Kumar is an Indian actress who works in the Hindi and South film industry. She has won various pageants such as RSI May Queen, Miss Pune and Face of India and went to represent the country in South Korea where she won the Ambassador Award. She started her acting journey from the Telugu film "Lover" and later went on to work in more Telugu and Malayalam films. In 2021 she started working in the Hindi Film Industry where she worked in web series such as Human, Crash Course, Candy and Hack - crimes online. She has also worked in films such as Salaam Venky, Radhe Shyam and is now awaiting the release of her two new films "Superman of Malegaon" opposite Adarsh Gaurav and "The Rajasaab" opposite Prabhas.

Interviwed by: Shantanu Singh 

Edited by: Mishika Goel


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