Sheena Singh - Jharkhand to Global Fashion Influencer (Content Creator with 45k Followers)

"Creativity knows no bounds—from lockdown beginnings to a global stage, my journey celebrates the power of passion and persistence" 

1. What inspired you to become a content creator and model?

I've always been deeply passionate about creating content that inspires and connects with others. Growing up, my fascination with social media and how influencers could reach people globally sparked my interest. My love for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle naturally led me to share my favorite discoveries with a broader audience. Ultimately, I wanted to empower others to embrace their authenticity and spread positivity through my platform.

2. How do you stay true to yourself while navigating trends and algorithms?

Staying true to myself on Instagram involves prioritizing authenticity and meaning in what I share. I avoid comparing myself to others and focus on my personal growth and engagement. Using hashtags that reflect my values and content helps attract like-minded individuals. I also make sure to balance my online presence with real-life relationships and self-care practices to maintain my individuality and avoid getting caught up in the comparison game.

3. Describe a typical production day for you.

Every day is dynamic, but a typical day might start around 9:00 AM with research on trends and gathering inspiration. I dedicate the morning to content creation, whether it's shooting photos, filming videos, or writing captions and scripts. After a lunch break, I focus on editing and post-production tasks like reviewing and refining content, designing graphics, or creating thumbnails. Engagement with my community follows in the afternoon, where I interact with followers and respond to messages. By evening, I reflect on the day's achievements, plan for tomorrow, and ensure I prioritize self-care and relaxation.

4. Share a significant obstacle you’ve faced and how you overcame it.

While I've been fortunate not to face major obstacles, navigating self-doubt and comparisons in the industry can be challenging. Overcoming this involves focusing on my strengths, embracing my uniqueness, and setting boundaries that prioritize my well-being. By staying true to my vision and values, I've found ways to grow authentically without letting external pressures undermine my journey.

5. If you could collaborate with any fictional character, who would it be and why?

I would love to collaborate with Elsa from Frozen! Her strength, creativity, and ability to embrace her unique powers resonate deeply with me. Together, we could create content celebrating individuality, self-expression, and the magic of winter wonderlands. Imagine a Frozen-themed photoshoot capturing Elsa's icy magic and my creativity, or an adventure vlog exploring snowy landscapes. Elsa's story of empowerment through her abilities aligns perfectly with my mission to inspire others through creativity and positivity.


Sheena Singh, a 23-year-old content creator, model, and influencer based in Dehradun, originally from Jharkhand. My journey into content creation began during the 2020 lockdown, where I discovered the incredible power of social media to connect and inspire people globally. With a lifelong passion for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, sharing my discoveries and insights felt like a natural fit. Since then, it's been a rewarding journey of growth and learning. I'm grateful for the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and share my passions with a wider audience.

Interviwed by: Shantanu Singh 

Edited by: Mishika Goel 


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