Tushikha Goswami - From Bollywood Dreams To Digital Stardom (Content Creator with 300k Followers)

"Consistency, authenticity, and a dash of creativity turned my dreams into reality"

1. What sparked your passion for content creation?

Ever since I was 9 or 10 years old, I loved acting and modeling and wanted to be in front of the camera. At that time, the path to fame seemed to be through becoming a Bollywood actress, so I started auditioning after I graduated. However, I quickly realized that the process didn't fascinate me as much as I had imagined. I knew I wanted to be on camera and be known and loved by everyone, but the traditional route wasn't for me. My mom played a crucial role in guiding me toward content creation. She advised me to start as a YouTuber and influencer because I was good at makeup and loved being on camera. She said, "Bollywood camera or phone camera, a camera is a camera, and people will watch and love you." That's when I began my journey as a content creator in 2018.

2. How do you keep your content authentic across different platforms?

I stay true to myself and avoid being easily influenced by trends. Over time, I've learned that for long-term success, it's important to understand who you really are and create content that makes you happy. If you're not happy with what you're creating, it won't be valuable in the future. I focus on producing content that feels good to me, whether it's following a trend, sharing an original story, or creating unique makeup looks.

3. Could you share a key strategy behind your social media growth?

Interestingly, my growth wasn't rapid. It took a lot of time and effort. I started my content creation journey in 2019, and my account began to grow significantly in November 2021. Until then, I had only 3,000 followers. Consistency was key for me. Without a team, mentor, or friends in the industry, I had to figure everything out on my own. I created and posted content every day from 2019, and after 2.5 years, I started seeing results. My advice to those trying to grow is to be consistent and post every day. Persistence pays off, and eventually, you'll see the results of your hard work.

4. What beauty hack or product has been a game-changer for you?

Rice water has been a game-changer for my skin. It works wonders and gives my skin a smooth, glowing effect. Although I've always had pretty good skin, using rice water has made it even more radiant.

5. What common mistakes should new content creators avoid?

New content creators should avoid following outdated trends and copying others. It's important to be true to yourself and create content that feels authentic to you. While it's fine to take inspiration, direct copying won't yield good results. Additionally, keep your content updated and relevant, as the industry evolves rapidly. Consistency and creativity are crucial; no matter how talented you are, if you're not consistent and innovative, your efforts won't pay off.

6. For fun, what would it be if you had to choose one makeup item forever?

It would definitely be lipstick! I can't live without it. I could ditch every other makeup product, but not lipstick 😄


Tushikha Goswami is a dynamic content creator known for her captivating beauty and lifestyle videos. With a passion for all things makeup, skincare, and fashion, she has built a loyal following across various social media platforms. Tushikha’s relatable approach and valuable insights make her a go-to source for beauty enthusiasts seeking inspiration and practical tips. Whether she’s reviewing the latest beauty products or sharing her personal journey, Tushikha’s authenticity shines through, positively impacting her audience.


Interviewed by: Shantanu Singh 

Edited by: Mishika Goel 

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