Vaishnavi Srivastava - I Aim to Reach 1 Million Followers on Instagram and Earn a Silver Play Button on YouTube (Content Creator with 300k Followers)

"Embrace your uniqueness, for it's the spark that will light up your journey and connect you with the world"

1. How did you start your journey as a video creator, and what inspires your content?

When I began my journey as a video creator, I didn't have fame or money in mind. In my corporate job as an assistant director and social media manager, I often felt underconfident, sad, and unsatisfied. One day, I randomly shot a video and uploaded it on social media. It garnered 3000 views and 50 comments, filled with appreciation that I had never experienced before. That moment was a turning point; I realized this is what I love and want to pursue. Since then, there's been no looking back.

2. How do you come up with fresh ideas for your engaging videos?

Every video I create is inspired by real-life incidents. The more genuine the content, the more relatable it is for the audience. I draw inspiration from daily life, focusing on things that truly resonate with me.

3. What obstacles have you overcome, and how did they shape your growth?

In my content creation journey, I’ve faced numerous obstacles and continue to encounter them. These challenges are part of the process. Sudden drops in followers, decreased reach, and inconsistent business performance can be discouraging. However, maintaining consistency and honesty in my work helps me persevere. I believe that if I stay true to my passion, everything else will eventually fall into place.

4. Any tips for connecting with viewers and building a loyal audience?

A simple yet powerful tip: be yourself. No one else can be you, and there's something unique about you that will attract people. Authenticity resonates with audiences. Instead of copying others, carve out your own space, and people will naturally be drawn to it.

5. What are your aspirations and goals as a video creator? Where do you see yourself in the next few years?

I aim to reach 1 million followers on Instagram and earn a silver play button on YouTube. These are my goals, and I am confident that I will achieve them.

6. If you could collaborate with any fictional character in a video, who would it be and why?

I would love to collaborate with Aditya from "Jab We Met." After our collaboration, I’d even marry him! 


Vaishnavi Srivastava is a passionate video creator known for her captivating content across various platforms. As a full-time content creator, she produces funny, relatable, and motivational content. With a knack for storytelling, she weaves together engaging narratives that resonate with her audience. Her unique perspective and creative flair make her a rising star in the digital content landscape.


Interviewed by: Shantanu Singh

Edited by: Mishika Goel

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