Nidhi Mohan Kamal - Empowering Wellness Through Nutrition and Yoga (Cofounder Of NidSun Wellness, 126k Followers)

This extreme intervention not only yielded remarkable results but also strengthened our relationship, highlighting the importance of a supportive and committed approach to wellness.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

My background is rooted in a blend of science and fitness. I hold a degree in Food and Chemical Engineering, which laid the foundation for my understanding of nutrition and metabolism. My journey into wellness began with my passion for fitness and health, which eventually led me to co-found Nidsun Wellness. 

Over the years, I have trained as a nutritionist, strength coach, and yoga instructor, which has allowed me to create a holistic approach to health and wellness. I have taken a 2-year break from expanding my company to focus on my MBA at the Sauder School of Business. I plan to reinvent the brand and make it bigger in the future.

2. Can you share your journey into the world of wellness and what inspired you to co-found Nidsun Wellness?

My journey into wellness was sparked by my own transformation. I struggled with weight issues and unhealthy eating habits, which affected my overall well-being. Through disciplined nutrition and fitness routines, I transformed my body and mind. This personal journey inspired me to help others achieve similar results, leading to the co-founding of Nidsun Wellness. 

Additionally, my past work in the food and healthcare industries, where I didn't resonate with the ethos, motivated me to create a company that truly prioritizes holistic health and wellness. Our mission is to provide personalized wellness solutions that cater to the unique needs of each individual.

3. What does a typical day in your life look like, balancing roles as a nutritionist, strength coach, and yoga instructor?

A typical day in my life starts early with a yoga session to center myself. I then move on to client consultations where I provide nutritional guidance and strength training plans. Each day is different; some days are dedicated to developing content for my wellness programs and engaging with my social media audience in the afternoons, while other days involve attending classes and working on assignments for my MBA at Sauder School of Business. 

I am also working full-time with the Rogers-UBC partnership, which adds another layer of responsibility to my daily routine. Evenings often involve teaching yoga classes or conducting workshops. Balancing these roles requires a structured schedule and a commitment to self-care.

4.How would you describe your nutrition philosophy, and what are the core principles you advocate for your clients?

My nutrition philosophy is rooted in balance and sustainability. I advocate for a plant-based diet rich in whole foods, emphasizing the importance of unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods. 

Core principles include mindful eating, hydration, and the incorporation of a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I believe in creating personalized nutrition plans that are realistic and can be maintained long-term.

5. What are some current fitness trends that you believe are beneficial and which ones do you think people should be cautious about?

Beneficial trends include functional fitness, which focuses on movements that improve daily life activities, and mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation. However, I advise caution with extreme diets and workout regimes that promise quick fixes. Trends like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be effective but should be approached with proper guidance to avoid injury. 

Another emerging trend is the use of Ozempic, a medication originally designed for type 2 diabetes management, which is now being explored for weight loss. While Ozempic could change the game for weight management, it is crucial to be cautious about who uses it and the dosage administered. It's important to consult healthcare professionals to ensure it is used safely and effectively, as misuse or overuse can lead to significant side effects.

6. As a yoga E-RYT 500, how do you integrate the principles of yoga into your nutrition and strength training programs?

Yoga principles are deeply integrated into my nutrition and strength training programs through the emphasis on mindfulness, breath control, and balance. Yoga teaches body awareness, which is crucial for safe and effective strength training. Additionally, the mindfulness aspect of yoga helps clients develop a healthier relationship with food, promoting mindful eating habits. 

Yoga is how I live, how I interact, and how I approach my work. My dedication to my work is rooted in yoga, and it translates into everything in my life, including my relationships. This holistic approach ensures that the principles of yoga are not just confined to the mat but permeate all aspects of my personal and professional life.

7. What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced in your career and how have they shaped your approach to wellness?

One of the biggest challenges has been overcoming misinformation in the wellness industry. This has shaped my approach to prioritize evidence-based practices and continuous education. Another challenge is helping clients maintain motivation and consistency. 

This has taught me the importance of personalized coaching and the need to address both physical and mental aspects of health. Additionally, balancing the expansion of Nidsun Wellness with my MBA studies has tested my time management and prioritization skills, reinforcing the importance of self-discipline and resilience.

8. Can you share a memorable success story from one of your clients that has stuck with you?

One memorable success story is of a client who struggled with severe obesity and related health issues. Through a tailored nutrition and fitness plan, combined with consistent support and motivation, she lost over 50 pounds and significantly improved her health markers. Her journey was transformative not just physically but also mentally, as she developed a positive relationship with her body and food. 

I have personally raided her kitchen, throwing out tons of unhealthy food and replacing it with nutritious groceries. This extreme intervention not only yielded remarkable results but also strengthened our relationship, highlighting the importance of a supportive and committed approach to wellness.

9. What are your top three tips for someone looking to start their journey towards a healthier lifestyle?

Start Small: Begin with small, manageable changes rather than overhauling your entire lifestyle at once.

Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to long-term success. Create a routine that you can stick to.

Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive community or seek professional guidance to stay motivated and accountable.

10. How has your experience living and working in Vancouver influenced your approach to wellness compared to your time in India?

Living in Vancouver has exposed me to a diverse range of wellness practices and a strong emphasis on outdoor activities. This has influenced my approach by incorporating more outdoor workouts and nature-based activities into my programs. 

Compared to India, where traditional practices like yoga are more prevalent, Vancouver has offered a blend of modern and traditional wellness techniques, enriching my holistic approach.

11. What are your future goals for Nidsun Wellness, and what new projects or initiatives are you excited about?

My future goals for Nidsun Wellness include expanding our reach through online platforms and developing comprehensive wellness programs that cater to a global audience. I'm excited about upcoming projects that involve integrating technology with wellness, such as virtual fitness classes and personalized nutrition apps. These initiatives aim to make wellness accessible and convenient for everyone, regardless of location. 

However, I am currently decompressing and focusing on my MBA at the Sauder School of Business. This period of focus and growth will ensure that the new changes come from a better and more business-acumen-equipped Nidhi, ready to take the brand to new heights and meet the evolving needs of our clients.


This is Nidhi Mohan Kamal. She is a Co - Founder Of NidSun Wellness


Interviewed by - Insiya Nulwala

Edited by- Arunangshu Chatterjee

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