Chayan Sharma - Avoid Putting Too Much Pressure on Yourself (Instagram Content Creator with 42.6K Followers)

Follow and watch as many creators as you can, and try to stay current with the latest trends through research

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I come from a hospitality background, having worked in various hotels over the years. My journey began in the bustling world of hospitality.

Later on, I transitioned into the corporate world, where I continued to hone my skills in a different setting. The structured environment and diverse challenges of corporate life further broadened my horizons and helped me grow both professionally and personally.

However, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it brought about significant changes in our lives. With more time on my hands and a deep-seated passion for automobiles, I decided to channel my love for cars and bikes into something productive. That's when I started my Instagram channel dedicated to sharing automotive information. I wanted to create a space where enthusiasts like me could come together and celebrate our shared passion.

To my surprise, the response was overwhelmingly positive. Encouraged by the support and engagement from my followers, I decided to take the next step and launch my YouTube channel. This platform allowed me to dive deeper into automotive content, offering detailed reviews, tips, and industry insights.

Most recently, I’ve taken another exciting leap by starting my own website. This new venture allows me to provide even more comprehensive content, including blogs, articles, and exclusive features for my audience.

It's been an incredible journey, transforming from a career in hospitality to becoming an automotive influencer. The support from my community has been amazing, and I’m excited to see where this path will take me next.

2. When did you first decide that you wanted to create content and how did you start?

My decision to create content wasn't a sudden one, but rather a gradual realisation that came about in 2019. At that time, I was already intrigued by the potential of digital platforms and their ability to reach and engage with a wide audience.

I enrolled in a digital marketing course. I learned essential skills that also includes designing and video editing, which I quickly realized are must-haves for any content creator.Initially, I started small by creating infographics. These were simple yet effective ways to share valuable automotive information in a visually appealing format. As I gained confidence,I gradually shifted to creating short videos. Videos offered a dynamic way to engage with my followers, allowing me to showcase cars and bikes, share reviews, and provide tips in a more interactive and engaging manner.

3. Is content creation a financially sustainable career?

As a beginner, content creation is not typically a financially sustainable career. Initially, it requires a significant amount of hard work and creativity. You need to constantly come up with new ideas, script your content, shoot it, and then edit it. Despite all this effort, there is no guarantee that your content will gain the engagement or views you hope for. Patience and consistency are crucial to success in this field.

However, once you've established yourself and built a following, content creation can become more financially viable. Brand promotions and collaborations can provide substantial income and fame. That said, it is advisable to treat content creation as a side hustle until you achieve significant success and stability in the field.

4. Who is your favourite creator and why?

I admire everyone in the content creation community because each creator has their own unique style of narrating and editing, which is incredibly inspiring. However, my personal favourite would be Sagar Sheldekar. The way he presents his content is exceptional; he essentially creates movies out of reviews. His approach and storytelling ability make his reviews stand out and captivate the audience.

5. How and where do you find inspiration to churn out content?

The best way to find inspiration is through research. Follow and watch as many creators as you can, and try to stay current with the latest trends. Engaging with my audience and listening to their feedback also provides valuable insights and ideas. This combination of staying informed and connected helps me continuously generate fresh and engaging content.

6. What does your typical day look like?

As a creator, my typical day is often filled with shoots and editing sessions. I spend a lot of time working on new content ideas and plans. Networking is also a priority, so I try to connect with new people who can provide insights and opportunities. It's a dynamic schedule that blends creativity, production work, and building relationships within the community.

7. What piece of advice would you like to give to future and aspiring creators? 

My advice for future and aspiring creators is to stay persistent and patient in pursuing your passions. In today's competitive landscape, it's easy to feel overwhelmed or impatient for success. Remember not to lose hope and avoid putting too much pressure on yourself. Focus on continuously improving your skills, creating authentic content, and building genuine connections with your audience. Stay adaptable to changes, learn from setbacks, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of creating content



Interviewed by - Adhokshaja S S
Edited by- Arunangshu Chatterjee

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