Harsh Mengi - If My Poems Can Help Someone Through Their Tough Times, Then That’s the Impact I Aim For (Author of Revenging the Revenge)

Poetry, to Me, Is Less About Inherent Talent and More About Perspective and Observation.

1. How and when did you choose poetry as a career?

My journey with poetry began back in my school days, but it wasn't until 2019 that I took the stage to perform. While my primary profession lies in the media industry, poetry and writing are where my heart truly resides. My love for words led me to write a novel, 'Revenging the Revenge,' which I published in 2021. Poetry for me is more than a career; it's a form of expression, a way to connect with myself and others. Whether it's through songs, ghazals, or short films, the joy of creating something that resonates with people is unparalleled.

2. What genre or theme of poetry do you find most fulfilling to create, and which poses the greatest challenge?

I find myself gravitating towards themes of love, breakups, and experiences drawn from my own life. There's a certain rawness and authenticity in writing about personal experiences that I find fulfilling. For me, poetry is more than just a form of expression; it's a therapy. It's a way to process and articulate emotions, a means to heal and understand both myself and the world around me. I don't see challenges in terms of genres; instead, I see opportunities to explore and express different facets of human emotion. Whether it's joy, sorrow, or the myriad shades in between, each genre offers a canvas to paint my thoughts and feelings, providing therapeutic solace and a deeper connection to my inner self.

3. Regarding your artistic expression, do you prefer sharing your poetry digitally or performing live, and what draws you to that choice?

In the realm of artistic expression, there's something uniquely magical about live performances that I deeply connect with. While digital platforms offer a broad reach, the energy and intimacy of performing live are incomparable. I've had the privilege of performing in diverse settings, from cozy cafes to open college events. Each live show is a new journey, filled with the thrill of immediate audience interaction and feedback. It's in these moments of shared emotions and experiences that I find the greatest fulfillment. The live stage is where I feel most at home, bringing my words to life and directly connecting with the audience.

4. For individuals aspiring to become poets, is having an inherent poetic sense crucial, or can it be developed through practice and exposure?

Poetry, to me, is less about inherent talent and more about perspective and observation. It's about how you see the world and express those observations. These skills can definitely be developed over time with practice and exposure. I'm a firm believer in lifelong learning, and in the world of poetry, there's always something new to discover and explore."

5. How stable is a career in poetry in India, and what trends or changes do you anticipate for the future of this art form?

Making a career solely out of poetry in India is challenging but not impossible. The key is to start small, perhaps with open mics, and gradually build your presence, especially on digital platforms like Instagram. It's a journey of patience and perseverance. The landscape of poetry in India is evolving, and there's a growing appreciation for this art form."

6. What impact do you want to make in this world?

My ultimate goal is to leave a legacy through my poetry. I want my words to be a source of comfort and understanding for others. If my poems can help someone through their tough times, and make them feel heard and understood, then that's the impact I aim for. It's about creating poetry that not only touches hearts but also heals them."

7. Which is your favorite book and why?

Obviously, 'Revenging the Revenge' is my favorite – I mean, I did write it, so how could it not be? Haha, just kidding. I'm an avid reader and truly enjoy a variety of books. 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' is one of my favorites. In the world of poetry, I'm greatly inspired by 'Tarkash' by Javed Akhtar, 'Jaun Elia: Ek Ajab Ghazab Shayar', 'Naraz' by Rahat Indori, and many more. These works have profoundly influenced my writing, offering me unique perspectives on life and the art of poetry.


My journey with poetry began back in my school days, but it wasn't until 2019 that I took the stage to perform. While my primary profession lies in the media industry, poetry and writing are where my heart truly resides. My love for words led me to write a novel, 'Revenging the Revenge,' which I published in 2021. Poetry for me is more than a career; it's a form of expression, a way to connect with myself and others. Whether it's through songs, ghazals, or short films, the joy of creating something that resonates with people is unparalleled.


Interviewed & Edited by- Arunangshu Chatterjee

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