8 Powerful Supplements That Could Help You Live Longer and Feel Younger!

This is part of life, and yet, within each one of us is someone who beats time other words, the 70-year-old marathon runner, the energetic grandmother, or the sharp elder who solves tough puzzles with ease. Science now explains that proper nutrition plays a great role in how we age. 

Source - USA Today

Although we could not stop or slow down the clock, certainly, we can retard the process by using the right supplement with a proper diet and healthy lifestyle that will help in developing healthy cells and reduce age-related diseases. The following are eight strong supplements that may make a person live longer and healthier.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Their key significance in the heart and brain is that they are of omega-3 fatty acids, which are an essential issue in the health sector. They are found in fish oil and flaxseed. Scientists further reveal effects on human beings such as higher rates of death from cardiovascular diseases, which have taken millions' lives worldwide. Another importance of omega-3 fatty acids concerns supporting cognitive functions, where neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer's, are to be prevented.

You can get Omega-3 Fatty Acids from atty fish (salmon, mackerel), flaxseeds, walnuts, and fish oil supplements.


One of the most potent antioxidants known, resveratrol can be found in red grapes and red wine as well as a few berries. Its probable anti-aging consequences are almost indirect, according to a series of reports produced from existing studies that are mainly found around the activation of sirtuins; resveratrol might then avoid the initiation of age-related disease, which is primarily attributed to an easing of inflammatory reactions and enhanced working within the brain and the heart.

You can get Resveratrol from red grapes, peanuts, dark chocolate, resveratrol supplements.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

CoQ10 is an endogenous human antioxidant that catalyzes cellular energy production. As age increases, CoQ10 decreases with cell energy, and oxidative stress increases. All of these point to the fact that supplementation with CoQ10 will increase cardiovascular health, enhance the working of the mitochondria, and raise energy levels three key determinants for long life.

You can get Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) from fatty fish, organ meats, nuts, CoQ10 supplements

Vitamin D

Vitamin D contributes to the fitness of bones, and the immunization system by delaying chronic diseases such as cardiac disease and diabetic diseases. At present, almost all the adults of this society are suffering from vitamin D deficiency due to excessive age as well as broken immunity system caused by living in colder cities. Always optimum levels of Vitamin D go simultaneously with healthy habits and attain very long-aged life.

You can get Vitamin D from Sun exposure, fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and vitamin D supplements.


It contains an active component called curcumin that only occurs in turmeric, and it has considerable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent properties. Curcumin has, in the past few decades, received much attention about extensive research on its potential, credited for its potential effectiveness in handling chronic conditions such as arthritis and heart diseases down to the afflictions of the brain. These experiments demonstrated curcumin activated some of those pathways through which aging is still a player on board because the body preserves the cells, getting them fit for healthy performance and this, in turn, slows further degradation by that little bit.

You can get Resveratrol from Curcumin from black pepper, to enhance the absorptive capacity.

NMN-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide

NMN is a precursor for the very important coenzyme NAD+, closely related to metabolism and DNA repair. Aging leads to the decline in NAD+ levels and, hence, a form of mitochondrial dysfunction that predisposes toward diseases related to aging. NMN supplementation increases longevity, energy, and cognitive functions.

You can get NMN-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide from Avocados, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, and NMN supplements.


Magnesium is the key mineral linked to hundreds of enzymatic activities in the human body, from muscle function to nerve signaling to heart health. The augmented magnesium deficit reveals a relationship between increased inflammation high blood pressure levels and a fast speed of aging. Proper nutrition through magnesium ensures that one remains cool, reduces the quantity of stress, and lives healthily to age with time.

You can get Magnesium from leafy greens, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and magnesium supplements.


A healthy gut provides the basis for a perfect condition of health, strong immunity, and in some psychological health as well. Probiotics control gut microbiota and thus ensure regular digestion, reducing inflammation and therefore increasing immunity. A healthy gut microbiome is said to have directly proportioned with a few cases of chronic diseases; thus, people have long life.

You can get from Probiotics yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and probiotic supplements

Final Thoughts

The good news is that there are healthy wonderful benefits from supplements, but the best way supplements could be integrated would be taking them along with a healthy diet, regular exercise, healthy habits for stress release, and even a good night's sleep. It will pay you to go see a doctor before any supplement comes into your life. Start living longer, healthier lives today with these eight longevity-enhancing supplements to take daily.

Written by Dara Khyathi

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