Chethana Srinivas – Fashion Isn’t About Fitting In, It’s About Standing Out (Fashion Stylist & Influencer)

“Stereotypes are created by people, but they don’t define us. If someone tries to confine or control you, it’s better to walk away.”

1. How did your journey in fashion, beauty, and content creation begin?

My interest in fashion and beauty started when I began earning from my first job and could invest in grooming myself. In my early 20s, I started experimenting with different looks, understanding fabrics, keeping up with trends, and developing my own unique sense of style.

Once I felt confident in my own skin and styling, I started sharing my looks online—and that’s how content creation began.

2. As a stylist, how do you balance trends with personal style?

The key is to never lose your personal style. Trends come and go, but fashion should always reflect who you are. I follow trends but modify them to suit my body type, skin tone, and comfort.

Also, not every trend needs to be followed. Fashion isn’t about fitting into every FOMO moment—it’s about making choices that work for you.

3. How has travel influenced your fashion choices?

Travel exposes you to diversity—not just in culture but in fashion as well. Every place has its own way of dressing, unique fabrics, and style sensibilities rooted in lifestyle, climate, and tradition.

I’ve learned that fashion isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also about functionality. Seeing how people adapt their clothing to their environment has broadened my perspective on styling.

4. How do you challenge beauty stereotypes through your work?

By simply not acknowledging their existence.

Working in artistic fields like fashion and beauty has taught me that there are no rigid rules. Stereotypes are created by society, but they don’t have to define us. If someone tries to confine or control you, it’s better to distance yourself from them. True confidence comes from surrounding yourself with people who uplift you.

5. You’ve been vocal about having vitiligo. How has that journey shaped your confidence, and what message do you have for those struggling with self-acceptance?

Vitiligo never really affected my confidence, thanks to my parents—especially my mom. She always encouraged me, instilled self-worth in me, and never treated me differently because of it. Their upbringing gave me the freedom to grow and learn from my experiences.

Over time, I’ve realized that the opinions of people who put you down don’t matter. Many struggle with self-acceptance because they haven’t made peace with themselves. My advice? Focus on your strengths, work on your weaknesses if they’re within your control, and give yourself the grace to make mistakes and grow. Self-acceptance is a slow process, but consistency is key.

6. Which travel destination changed your perspective on fashion?

I can’t choose just one because I’ve only traveled within India so far. But coming from a country where a six-yard fabric like a saree can be draped in over a hundred different ways, I find endless inspiration here. India’s diversity in fashion constantly pushes me to innovate and experiment.

7. If you could style any celebrity, who would it be and why?

For me, my mom is my celebrity—and I’ve already had the joy of styling her!

But if I had to choose from the industry, it would be Priyanka Chopra or Sushmita Sen.

Priyanka shattered stereotypes about actresses, spoke openly about her struggles as a brown-skinned woman, and encourages women to unapologetically pursue their dreams.

Sushmita, on the other hand, changed the law to allow single women to adopt children—something we needed even before we realized it. Both women symbolize strength and choice, proving that women can prioritize personal or professional lives on their own terms.


Chethana Srinivas is a fashion stylist, digital creator, and influencer known for her work in fashion, beauty, and travel. With a keen eye for style and a passion for redefining trends, she has built a strong online presence by curating looks that blend individuality with current fashion. Her journey began with self-exploration in her early 20s, eventually evolving into content creation.

Beyond fashion, Chethana is an advocate for self-acceptance and body positivity, openly embracing her vitiligo and inspiring others to do the same. Through her content, she challenges beauty norms and encourages confidence in personal style. With a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and aesthetics, her travels continue to shape her unique fashion perspective.

Interviewed by: Shantanu Singh 

Edited by: Shantanu Singh 

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