Kavya Nair – I Always Knew I Wanted Stardom, and I’m Still Working for It (Fashion Enthusiast, 213K+ Followers)

"People think digital creators live a perfect life, but the truth is—we have struggles too. We just learn how to manage them."

1. Was digital creation always part of your plan, or did it happen organically?

I always aspired to live the glamorous life, to experience stardom, and to make a name for myself. From the beginning, I knew I wanted to be famous. However, I still believe I’m on the journey toward achieving that goal, constantly working on refining my craft and building my presence in the digital space.

2. How do you keep your content fresh while staying authentic?

For me, authenticity is key. The best way to ensure that my content resonates with people is by directly engaging with my audience. I actively ask them what they want to see, what interests them, and what topics they find valuable. This way, I can create content that feels personal and relevant while staying true to who I am.

3. What’s a common myth about being a digital creator?

A big misconception is that digital creators have a "perfect life." People often assume that because we showcase curated moments, we don’t experience struggles. The truth is, we go through ups and downs just like everyone else. Another myth is that negative comments or online hate don’t affect us. While we might appear to ignore it, it does have an impact. Over time, we learn how to manage it, but it doesn’t mean we’re immune to it.

4. What’s been your most challenging travel experience?

I was raised to be tough and independent, so I don’t view travel challenges in the same way many might. I believe I can handle anything that comes my way, so I haven’t faced any travel experiences that I found truly difficult.

5. How do you decide which brands or projects to work with?

I’m very selective about the brands I collaborate with. I choose to work only with brands that align with my values and offer something meaningful to my audience. If a brand makes claims that don’t match their actual product or service, I prefer to stay away. Credibility is everything in this industry, and I want my audience to trust the recommendations I give.

6. Which fashion trend do you love, and which one do you think is overrated?

I absolutely love the "Old Money" aesthetic—it’s elegant, timeless, and carries a sense of sophistication. On the other hand, I find the current Gen Z trend of ultra-baggy clothing a bit overrated. While fashion is all about personal preference, I feel that some styles lose their appeal when taken to an extreme.

7. If you could swap lives with any creator for a day, who would it be?

I genuinely love my life and the work I do, so I wouldn’t trade it permanently. But if I had to choose, I’d love to step into the shoes of Karissa Dumbacher, a New York-based influencer and food critic. She’s not just about reviewing food—she has an incredibly vibrant personality and a contagious energy that makes her content so engaging. It would be fascinating to experience her world for a day.


Kavya Nair is a rising digital creator and fashion enthusiast known for her engaging and authentic content. Passionate about building a strong personal brand, she curates fashion, lifestyle, and travel content that resonates with her audience. With a keen eye for trends and a commitment to credibility, Kavya collaborates only with brands that align with her values. She believes in staying true to herself while constantly evolving in the digital space.

Interviewed by: Shantanu Singh 

Edited by: Shantanu Singh 

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